In all seriousness, Mark- I've always respected your history and knowledge. But the thing is: you know as well as anybody that oil's not the same as it was a few years ago, and cams are flattening out more than they were when oil had ZDDP in it. I don't know why that is, but people were going nuts a few years back and buying hard-weld cams and ceramic lifters from Europe (until they couldn't get them any more). Overkill? Probably, but the camshaft is buried pretty deeply in the case in a flat 4, so there's some interest in doing what we can.
I'm sure the proper cam prep really helps-- but back in the day, my shop-head buddies and I did just about everything possible wrong rebuilding all sorts of stuff, and never had a cam go flat either. The oil is different now... the cams may be too, I don't know-- but the oil is for sure.
Did I mention "off-the-shelf" oil is different now? E-thay oil-ay is-ay iffernt-day. El aceite es diferente. Das Öl ist anders.
I'm not suggesting that everybody go out and go nuts dumping two GM ZDDP additive packs in with their Joe Gibbs oil, but the VR1 oil Ron was recommending is not "an oil well in the back yard" expensive, or anything else special. It's a readily available oil from pretty much everywhere for $5/qt.
I can buy Brad Penn for $5/qt as well. As an aside-- the Brad Penn oil is not some black-magic exotic "racing" elixir that God himself runs in his flat-tappet engine, it's pretty much just the same old Kendall multi-viscosity oil from back in the day. It's the same kind of oil that you ran in all the flat-tappet V8s you built before 5 years ago.
The average guy with a 1.5 qt deep sump and a remote filter uses what? 5 qts of oil? What does house-brand oil cost? $4/qt? I'm not sure why you're being so contrarian about this-- it's 5 bucks difference for the entire oil change. If a guy skips one double moca-choka, extra-skinny latte, he can pay for the difference.
I don't think ZDDP additive oil is the be-all and end-all. I think it's $5/qt, and it's one more thing that can be done to perhaps extend the life of an engine. Like I said before-- if I guy wants to run something else: fantastic!
... but it's good to be aware that the stuff off-the-shelf at Auto-Zone, etc. doesn't have the same additives that all good oils had until a few years ago. That's all I'm saying.