No questions, But a statement, absolutely none of the current companies producing replica Spyders makes an ""exact"" reproduction as you alluded to.
Each is "very" different. Beck and TR use a frame more in touch with the original car as well as the suspension set up that the original had and, has added a glass windshield.
The Vintage uses a more traditional plexiglass windscreen but has a completely different frame than the original and also uses coilover shocks for the rear suspension vs the original torsion bar/trailing arm set up.
Each car, if put side by side with an original 550 would stick out like a sore thumb.
The original 550 is just that, ""original"" Everything else is a modified copy.
I believe that everyone on this board is tired of the fighting between who's best. Beck vs Vintage vs TR etc.
You saw what happened on the other board when you asked which car was best prior to your purchase. PLEASE don't start another war here.
It's a tired and old subject. Each of us that has a different brand seems to be happy with our purchase.
It's kind of like who's best, Ford, Chevy, Chrysler etc etc. It's all a matter of personal taste.
Each car has its advantages and disadvantages. Let it stand at that.