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Hi Guys,

short question about the Vintage Speed Shifter:

In the Moment there is a Empi Hustle short Schifter in my Vintage Speedster. I'm quiet satisfight with it but the is on thing, I don't like. The Shifter Knob seems to far away from me. When I put in the first gear f.e. my back has to leave the beck rest. Also the Shifter knob seems too close to the dashboard in 1st and 2nd... It works but I'm close to my radio with the hand

Does anyone know, if the Vintage speed shifter brings the knob closer to me?

Maybe someone can name the position of the shifter knob in relation to the shifter basement or take a photo fron the side, when the shifter is in the 1st gear

would be great, thankt, Jan

Last edited by Jan Peter Stahl
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Vintage will shorten, re-thread ( to your desired thread M12 or M10), and add additional bend (to your specific req) to the shifter shaft at no cost --no additional cost beyond the basic price of the shifter. You just have to email the the owner before placing the order. 

They will also paint (powder coat) it ivory or silver if you rather not have black, and do carry shift knobs without the gear markings.

I think enough people asked for the 11.5" to be shortened (to avoid hitting your knuckels against the radio- if you have one installed), that for the last +1yr they have also offered a 10.5"...

If you rather not have it shortened, but need the knob further back, they will put a little more bend on it... you just need to be specific about what you want.

I asked for the re-thread in the M10 x 1.5 so I could use Porsche 356, pre-1960 knobs.

I have ordered several in the past 2 yrs... in silver, black and ivory... in various lengths (10.5, and 11"  &  11.5 with 10deg of additional bend- to bring the shifter further back),, and all with the custom thread, M10 x 1.5.

Great shifters and customer service. Their exhaust is pretty cool to!

The standard VS does have a bend, and does brinf the shift knob further back than the one you have pictured...  

... but like everithing out there, it's all about preference.


You can mock up your desired hight/bend using houseld electrical wire- it's rigid enough for you to mock-up hight, lenth of shaft and bend (I used leftovers from remodeling projects).     Mr L. Measures lenth of shifter on the Y axis.   (top of shift knob to buttom of shifter (top of Tunnel).

Draw up what you want, include measurements (hight, lentgh of shaft, and degree of bend.... and email it to him... he will reply and tell you if he can do it.   Custom work will add approximately  2-3 weeks to the overall 2 week delivery schedule, depending on how busy he is$

Good luck

after some days, I got a feedback from Vintage:

Hello Jan,
   Due to the shifter require pull up shaft for reverse, so we can not bent more.

Thank you


hmmm... This brings me back to my first question: Will the (original) vintage shifter bring the shifter knob more to the direction of the drivers position?

maybe someone of you has a photo of the shifter where I can get an idea of the position in 1st gear? 

would be cool, if someon can help me.






Jan, I tried to match the angle of your photo as close as possible, but moving the camera an inch one way or the other can change the perspective quite a bit.


This is the stock Vintage 11.5". I think it's a little higher than your shifter and maybe back a bit. Keeping it higher will shorten the reach.

I'm 5'10", like the 'arms out' Italian driving style so keep my seat back a little, and still have no trouble reaching 1st or 3rd. The shifter is in FIRST gear in the photo, not neutral.

Here's a more eye level perspective, again with the shifter in first gear. This looks and feels very comfortable to me.




Images (2)
  • VintageSpeed01
  • VintageSpeed02
Robert M posted:


This guy seanmiller just joined a few days ago and has made 2 posts. His answer in both posts was for us to mount a 4k action camera and he links us to a website, presumably his, to sell us a Chinese made camera.

Thanks for the alert and everyone that Reported the post as well. They were deleted and he was banned.

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