Mary is/was very ill. Kirk told me he almost lost her. I wish them the very best for a great retirement and a speedy recovery for Mary. You have earned this. We all appreciate the enjoyment they have provided us all.
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The Classified section is open to any individual (non-commercial firms) posting of items for sale. Members posting commercial advertisements must be enrolled in a Supporting Merchant program.
Postings without relevant details (PRICE, location, condition, etc.) will be deleted.
Looks good. They need to slow the carousel of images down though -can't read it casually and soak it in.
Anyone have any thoughts about where Seduction Motorsports fits in here? A subdivision of Vintage MS doing Spyders only, or no relation at all?
No reason to think there is any relationship at all. They just both happen to be in Arizona.
Troy is correct. There is no relation between us. We just happen to both be in Arizona.
Anyone have any thoughts about where Seduction Motorsports fits in here? A subdivision of Vintage MS doing Spyders only, or no relation at all?
No reason to think there is any relationship at all. They just both happen to be in Arizona.
Anyone have any thoughts about where Seduction Motorsports fits in here? A subdivision of Vintage MS doing Spyders only, or no relation at all?
Where we fit in where? We build Spyders and Coupes, and possibly Speedsters down the road but for now we're focusing on Spyders and Bent Window Coupes. We have no affiliation with Vintage Speedsters, CCW, Carrera Coachwerks, Thunder Ranch, or Beck. Some clients may send us an occasional vehicle to restore or finish building for them from those vendors, but we do not sell their merchandise nor turnkeys unless taken in on a trade.
Troy is correct. There is no relation between us. We just happen to both be in Arizona.
Anyone have any thoughts about where Seduction Motorsports fits in here? A subdivision of Vintage MS doing Spyders only, or no relation at all?
No reason to think there is any relationship at all. They just both happen to be in Arizona.
Great meeting you yesterday Justin!
June 26, 2014 3:18 AM
Hello everyone!
We can build a turnkey 356 Coupe bent window either VW/Porsche/or Subaru powered. For the ETA on delivery, 4-6 months depending on complexity of interior, engine, and options.
We use Greg at Vintage Spyders new 356 Coupe bent window body on a subframe over a shortened VW pan. HOWEVER, if you want to wait a little longer we will be using a tubular chassis with rear trailing arms just like our Spyders.
Recognize this thread? Obviously, Vintage SPYDERS is not Vintage SPEEDSTERS. How lame of me to be confused! Throw me a bone.
> On Aug 3, 2014, at 6:44 PM, "" <> wrote:
Vintage Speedsters = Vintage Motorcar
I'm sure I am missing some...
This is not a conspiracy. Just wanted to clear that up.
June 26, 2014 3:18 AM
Hello everyone!
We can build a turnkey 356 Coupe bent window either VW/Porsche/or Subaru powered. For the ETA on delivery, 4-6 months depending on complexity of interior, engine, and options.
We use Greg at Vintage Spyders new 356 Coupe bent window body on a subframe over a shortened VW pan. HOWEVER, if you want to wait a little longer we will be using a tubular chassis with rear trailing arms just like our Spyders.
Recognize this thread? Obviously, Vintage SPYDERS is not Vintage SPEEDSTERS. How lame of me to be confused! Throw me a bone.
> On Aug 3, 2014, at 6:44 PM, "" <> wrote:
interpret this whole nomenclature puzzle as an exercise we old farts can
use to ward off Alzheimer's. As if the "Special" twins were not enough.
Hey thanks for the time and patience. I am particularly interested in that
tubular frame coupe, bent or split or even 3 window version (that was a
joke). Keep us in mind.
By the way, I emailed you guys under separate cover about the same Vintage
question, so there is only one dyslexic name-challenged replica owner
wannabe out there.
Now what model Porsche is the Badass..........
Ed K