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Does a VIN plate exist on Speedsters replica manufactured by Vintage Speedsters ?
I saw the engraved VW chassis number on the pan (tunnel) but impossible to find a chassis plate with the name of "Vintage Speedsters", is it normal or not ?
The chassis plate with the name of the manufacturer is mandatory in my country...
Many thanks in advance for your help.

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Does a VIN plate exist on Speedsters replica manufactured by Vintage Speedsters ?
I saw the engraved VW chassis number on the pan (tunnel) but impossible to find a chassis plate with the name of "Vintage Speedsters", is it normal or not ?
The chassis plate with the name of the manufacturer is mandatory in my country...
Many thanks in advance for your help.

Hi Ferdinand---and welcome to the madness! Congratulations on getting a Vintage Speedster! That's what I have and I feel it's a great value for the money. Documentation could be better but the folks at Vintage are wonderful about helping with questions via email or phone.

What engine do you have? What VW Bug pan year do you have? If you will email me your address I will send you some documentation papers
that have taken me two years to assemble.

The only "number" you will find on your Speedster is the "VIN" number that is stamped on the tunnel behind and between the front seats. Just lift up the carpet to see it. (VIN= Vehicle Identification Number). That VIN number will correspond with the year the pan/frame was manufactured. Yopu can ask here about the year if you will post your VIN number. Also there are charts on the site; that will give this info to you. The VIN number was all I needed to register my car here. ---Good luck with your car!---

FYI -I was corrected once on calling the old VW manufacturer's or chassis number a VIN. Seems VINs weren't created until 1981. The VIN is a 17 character alph/numeric number in which first 10 characters have a meaning - like country of origin, year built, etc. I have seen sticky decals on Vintage's for sale on ebay - suspect they might even have the Certificate of Origin # on them (like my CMC has). The COO is only like 6 character though. Some states do add their own generated VIN to specially manufactured vehicles.

Since your car is most likely based on a pre '80 VW chassis then asking for a VIN should be mute --- since they didn't exist then!
When I built my VS kit I tranferred all the serial plates from the Donor that I had driven for many years. onto the VS cab And got the Draus Plate from Klasse 356 and transfered the old door post sticker data right onto it. for the door jamb including the paint codes

All the rest are in the ussual places. and a few hidden ones to boot.
You can add what ever you want. but the factory plate that was on the nose behind the spare tire Should be on your car somewhere. or at least the one used on the later models at the windshield post That Is something I would insist on myself. from any builder.

Mine has all 3!

I then had the old cab shredded at the scrap yard with the DMV fella standing right beside me He had already seen the new cab and signed off on all my paperwork.

In this county I learned to play it safe and legal. At that time their were 2 chop shops still in operation here..and he understood my concerns very well.. we kept this hush hush for at least 3 years until they busted the RING.. I was one parnoid puppy..
I just looked at my title. in the box where it is headed" Vehicle Identification Number" the number 118733257 is typed in by the state.
Maybe they need to be educated about what a "REAL" VIN number is.

When I went to register the car, the clerk asked me what the VIN number was and I said "118733257" and she said "1968 Volkswageb Bug" and that description is on the title. Easy peasy.

BTW--this is a great advantaged to registering a pan-based Speedster like my Vintage---but I digress.

SO---in the absence of a "real" vin number the vehicle number, or whatever someone wants to call it, the number that is stamped on the tunnel works exactly like a VIN number.

Your mileage may vary.---Jack
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