Hey! This turned out to be a really nice, little car show!
We were greeted by "Boston Bob" Elliott who was working the entrance table. Bob no longer has a Speedster but is still working on his Deserter Dune Buggy (when he's not traveling all over the world - I remember days like that, too), and there was about a dozen other buggies there, some of them putting out astonishing power from big displacement Turbo'd AC engines.
Before we arrived one of the local TYP356NE club members was already parked with his 1955 A-Coupe, nicely patina'd and sounding great. He eventually moved a bit closer to our group from a somewhat shadier spot across the lawn.
Also when we arrived, Angela and Mike O'Neil were already parked and detailing their Midnight Blue, VS Widebody, having drivin in from southern New Hampshire. It was a cool-ish day at around 65-70 in the morning, with a high overcast ceiling so we never needed the tent I brought and light jackets were welcome before Noon. Heidi and Al Gallo top-downed all the way from the elbow of Cape Cod in Heidi's (wicked nice) Miata to join the group and we were soon joined by Bill Sr., Bill Jr. And Bill III Pickering and their IM! I hadn't seen them in, what...five years?? Bill III is a big kid, now!! Right behind them, Suzie and Marc Myette arrived in their VS so, all in all, we had four fake Speedstahs and a real Coupe. We were expecting Chris Schofield in his new IM, but he was a no-show this year (But he has kids and soccer and stuff going on, too).
In the end, after all the judging (yes, we ended up in "Special Interest") the Myettes took third place and the O'Neils took second place in our class (All spectator judged) And I got some Chipotle-flavored dark chocolate so everyone left happy. After the show, the Gallos joined Kathy and me at "la Casa della Speedstah" to fortify them with a Sockey Salmon dinner for their 3-hour trip back to the elbow of Cape Cod and the insanity of "Summer People".
Unfortunately, I totally forgot to take any pictures so I hope that the others who were there did and can post them. Perfect WX, great people, nice cars and peppered chocolate. Pretty cool day, all in all........gn
Oh, I almost forgot......Tom Canty (TC to you'se guys) wandered over, too, and we chatted for a while. He doesn't have any decent projects going on now since the tree fell on his Fiat 500 project and destroyed it. Still really busy at work, just not a lot of car stuff going on til winter sets in.