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This goes out to my Brutha from that different mutha, that Pineapple head, let me take a video of it first partner that never lets anyone eat alone or drink for that matter... The man who I think can run for mayor of SOC-ville, the honest, low glide man himself Jimbo MUSBJIM partner to Ginny... Dude are you kidding me! Between your lawsuit and my job searches I believe we are probably related somewhere down the road Bro... LOL.. Bottom line you know and I know that this too will pass and we'll see you on the road again in whatever car you choose to drive, because you know it was never just about the car/s... That crap is just fiberglass and badges... that don't matter and it never did and it never will when talking about YOU as a person and man.. Ginny is blessed to have you as you are with her. I am a better person for knowing you and I've always enjoyed our time together too! Now Vince is another concern... Well I guess he's cool as long as he brings the Oban! Hope to see you in Morro Bro, we'll see how things work out over the next two weeks...
Sorry to hear that Jim. You really loved that car.

If it's any comfort, I had two partners that ripped me off too. Both are dead at an early age ( natural causes for both- from excessive lifestyles on what they stole from others). I didn't shed a single tear for either of them and have outlived them by 20 years.
Its funny how the guys on this site that I've known only a few years, are truer friends than people I've known for 4-5 or 6 times that length.


1. Had our sailboat at the same slip in the marina for 15+ years. Not ONCE, did anybody EVER say "Hey Jim, while your boat is in dry-dock repair, you're welcome to take ours out for a sail".

2. Had 25+ years membership in Porsche clubs (PCA, POC). Not ONCE did anybody EVER say "Hey Jim, while your engine is being rebuilt, you're welcome to borrow our Porsche".

THAT difference, my friends, is what makes the guys/gals this site waaaaaay better that the others!
Do NOT get me started on lawyers. In my work as a Business Broker I have seen it all. Is there a profession other than law where one deliberately twists and distorts facts to make chicken salad out of chicken s**t?

From Chicago (the movie) "are you gonna believe me or your own eyes?"
This is why I hope Jim works his issue out rather than having to deal with some shyster lawyers.

I sure hate to see you sell the car, but I understand the situation. Maybe it's time for a coupe or Spyder? Anyway, I know you said the car would not be available until after Morro Bay, but if you have to let it go early to make a deal, you can use mine for the Saturday wine tour. I will drive my Jeep to take the pictures on the first leg. I may have to pull off early anyway to pick up my friend at the airport, so all this may work out just fine. I drive those roads all the time living here in the area, so I wouldn't miss much. There are just less than 380 wineries in the area and Karen and I haven't even begun to get to all of them. All this is just a thought for a Plan B.
Warren - thanks for your most generous offer of a Plan 'B'. The car sale is on hold for a short time and will be determined by the legal course I must take within the next few weeks to resolve this matter. I will send you a PM this evening regarding the photo-shoot we talked about.

I believe that I am VERY fortunate and VERY lucky to have the friends I have (aside from Vince and Gerd), much more so than the possessions I've accumulated!! 8-)

Peace - Out!

Jim, I haven't received an e-mail from you. You may have gotten my address wrong. My email is in my profile.

It sure sounds like the group AND you would be the worse for the loss of YOU! I hope it doesn't come to that.

Let me know if and when you need to take this financial step.

-Chris (951) 317-4614

WTF, Man! I haven't been in here lately due to some family issues, but then I get back and, GEEZ!

Well, hope someone steps up and buys that fine Speedy to help you out AND make them happy, too. What a lousy way to have to sell it, though.

Best of luck selling it. Ain't no way you could get, like, a Gumint subsidy to junk the Rover, or sumthin instead? I think Vince is on to something......or maybe just on sumthin.....whatever.

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