I probably should have posted this earlier, but some of the local VW folks have organized VW Drag Night for this Saturday in Greelyville, SC, which is about an hour north of Charleston. This is turning out to be a pretty good sized event, with a party on Kiawah Island Friday evening that includes free music and a show and shine. That part is about an hour south of town. The drag night event starts at 1:00pm Saturday and runs until the wee hours. Hot VWs is going to be there, along with some vendors. The event includes drag racing, a car show, and an after-race party. Check out www.vwdragnight.com for details. Any Speedsterites and Spyderoids in the Carolinas should consider coming.
And no, Vince, "vwdragnight" does NOT mean that we're all wearing dresses ;-)
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