Originally Posted by dsrtfox:
Wilhoit has a 2132 cc engine, 82 stroke 91 bore. Just bring him a 912 case and about 40 G's and he'll set you right up 
With 40 G's I'll bet he will!
I didn't know guys stroked 356 cranks. And some of you guys think a big VW engine is expensive...
What hp/torque #'s is he getting, and at what rpm's?
Anand, your car is so much more than just 50% of the fun of a real Spyder! You can drive it as hard as you want, as parts aren't irreplaceable...
And I'm diggin' the wheels! I'd switch my car from the Fuchs alloys to wide 5's for those...Pretty cool that drum is too. Yoda out.