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Replies sorted oldest to newest

yes---i can arrange to get the windows for $228. with a minimum of
6 "presold" (paid/order). There are none in stock at the moment and
these would be available midsummer. The issue comes with shipping.
Windshield shipping box's cost $15-$27 per and about $70 shipping
within the U.S.A.---When all said and done your about $300 to your door. A real savings could be had by shipping quantity to one
location. Thats the news. Does anybody want to warehouse windshields?
I can't, no time, no room, sorry. Email me if someone wants to collect orders/coordinate the sale. I've done it in the past but
can't do it now.----bruce
ps-I don't know what vintage,im or anyone else pays but maybe
someone could put together a larger order and drive the price down
much further.
You can tinted 356 speedster windshield Glass from MG Magic as well as a load of other stuff for the Speedster. I think I paid 245.00 for a WS last year plus shipping. Located in florida. Watch the quality of the glass you are buying. Some of it is coming in from Korea and their quality is supposed to be terrible
This is the reply I got from Bob at MG Magic, as of today I didn't get the "last version"

"We are revising our price list eliminating a number of item and our new list will not be available for another 30-60 days or so. We are sending you the last version, however, please contact us for availability and current pricing. We are going to be putting the tooling for the car up
for sale and stay more with the wholesale business."
Hey guys,
I have about 50 pieces in route from our factory. I figure at least 45 will make it intact, which leaves me with 10 or so extra pieces.
$165.00 plus shipping
I won't take any money until they are here (30-45 days) and my needs are filled, but will "put you in line" until then.
First come, first served.


Glass came in today. I will be away for my anniversary, but will be sending out e-mails on Tuesday. If anyone who ordered reads this thread before I contact you, feel free to send me a shipping address so I can calculate shipping and get a total out to you.

John and Brian P. If anyone backs out I will let you guys know.
If there is enough interest I can get some more sent, but it will take a while.

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