I've seen a lot of fenders in the $800 a pair range, but that's nuts. Everyone asking but nobody buying. I'll wait for the Spring and see what comes my way.
With Massachusetts valuing the car at $32,000 and a 6.25 sales tax on that to be paid in order to secure a title. I'm gonna have a huge cash outlay coming up soon, rather not run this wreck up too high with two four hundred dollar fenders if I can help it.
No luck with Scarboro.
Of course, I could always do a trade.
I have, in a box, all wrapped up and ready to ship:
One 356 120mph Speedo, perfect bezel, glass, face, rubber trim ring, and needle. Internals swapped over to those from a newer 914 Porsche. Works and looks BEAUTIFUL ! !
One 356 Combination Gauge, perfect bezel, glass, face, rubber trim ring, and needle. Internals swapped over to 914 12 volt oil temp and fuel gauge. Works and looks PERFECT and a nice match to the 356 Speedo.
If anyone turns up a pair of rusted fenders (more the $300/$400 for a pair, than the $800 a pair variety) I'll swap you for these two terrific gauges.
NOW, before anyone pulls their panties over their heads and starts twirling around in circles, lemme explain that the 356 Boys passed on these because they were converted/updated with 914 internals. No bullshit, no being an ass, they just didn't want altered parts/converted/updated parts and weren't the types to return the gauges to original.
These gauges are REALLY sweet, meant for my own car, rare and pricey, but I need fenders more than gauges just now.
So, trade? Lemme know.