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New member, Ron Snipes, out of Rochester, MI. looking for Speedster replica. Lost a speedster bid on eBay tonight and went looking, stayed up late and found your site! I need a mostly finished ride, no time to work on a project. Really impressed with the SAW ,mid engine, site and I enjoy the VS wide body, but I think my wife would rather have the classic style or at most a fender flare with wide track or spacers. Would love to find a slightly used SAW mid engine 356 speedster or cab, although my original range is $15-$20K I would consider more if the driver was new...and sweet!

Any leads would be greatly appreciated! 586-864-5509.
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New member, Ron Snipes, out of Rochester, MI. looking for Speedster replica. Lost a speedster bid on eBay tonight and went looking, stayed up late and found your site! I need a mostly finished ride, no time to work on a project. Really impressed with the SAW ,mid engine, site and I enjoy the VS wide body, but I think my wife would rather have the classic style or at most a fender flare with wide track or spacers. Would love to find a slightly used SAW mid engine 356 speedster or cab, although my original range is $15-$20K I would consider more if the driver was new...and sweet!

Any leads would be greatly appreciated! 586-864-5509.
Hi Ron, I know of a classis VS in California for $15,000. It is '03, ivory on tan, pretty much stock, with 1800 miles. Although it is stock, the price is unbeatable, and the car looks very nice from the photos I have seen. I ended up buying one a little closer to me, but that Speedster is still for sale.
I have a flared speedster in the area that may be for sale following the
woodward cruise, New guards red paint, too much money in motor to list, 1835 twin webers, roller rockers, etc.
New side curtains and seats, disc fronts, Porsche cookie cutter wheels, could use new carpet. VERY VERY FAST !!!!

Call me (248) 625-9243
cell (248) 762-8320
This forum is awesome, I am overwhelmed by the replies I received. Thanks to all who responded so quickly and keep em coming. I should have no trouble fullfilling my mission by the end of the month! I'll be looking (hopefully today) at a VS right here in MI that just won a show, and another right after that thanks to John!

Shawn, do have any details on the one you were talkin 'bout?

OK, having done lots of looking and research I am ready to make the decision, between 1) the one my wife would probably want most but is most expensive at 25K inc shipping 2) the one that is my vision of a perfect speedster in the same range 3) one in between yet beautiful, slightly used yet in price range of 15K 4) one from my area, owned/built by a extremely capable body shop manager that has the hottest engine set up I've seen and a price of around 20K.

As part of the B-day present I signed her up for the three day Factory Five course at a local community college where she gets to "build up" a Cobra on mustang donor just to get her feet wet with replicas.

I am still leaning toward making the decision and surprising her with the speedster (I already know she definitely wants one)or waiting till after the course and letting her choose from among the options I have identified. Any suggestions?

If I could make it back in time for the Dream Cruise this weekend and have one to drive and hand over I am thinking that would be the best way! Just can't make the timing work...

Consider this a bump if there is any other seller out there who I have bnot heard from / talked to lete me know. I definitely have some great options thanks to the SOC!

Hi Ron,
Not sure how far you are from Milwaukee. I'm considering selling mine in about a month. I'm not sure where in MI you are, but I live 4 minutes from a high speed ferry that crosses Lake Michigan. I'm not sure where it lands on the MI side, but if you're interested you're more than welcome to come check it out, give it a spin and see if it's what you're looking for.

Thanks Frank, in fact I remembered you said that and have planned my return from Champaign via amtrak, stops right across the street, arriving about 3:30pm Sat. So there is a good chance that we will be stopping by. I asked my wife to meet me there..and walk around a little to keep it from being a hard sell! I'll have my partner in this adventure, my ten year old son, alng. He is in on the surprise and I would love to see him in the speedster as well.


Thanks to everyone who responded to me and provided pics and information. After carefully considering which speedster would be best for my wife I have decided on one.... I'll post pictures when the deal is complete. Basic decision came down to 1) your advice to get a basic model to see what I like/ dislike with hands on experience and upgrade later. I did not want to get her a flared one or a fast one or a red one or silver or black and it needed to be more classic than modern with as much original details as possible, yet be around the $15 K mark. I did want a "local" buy if possible to take advantage of know how and expertise ( I found a few new friends this way as well!)and save the 1-2 K shipping costs. Mechanical soundness ( no project car) was a priority, classic looks second and peppy-ness third. Sow what did I get? Stay tuned.

On another note I am sending my wife, Elizabeth, off to school for three days this weekend to get her prepped for owning a speedster. But its still a surprise so the school I sent her to is the Factory Five Build school in Howell MI. Three days of learning how to build from the 'stang' up an AC Cobra. I get to keep the kids all three days, which will be fine as we hope to go and pick up the surprise speedster and store it in a barn over the weekend. The plan is once she finishes the school she'll be more confident about speedsters as well and her knowledge of the "breeed". Then I'll do a scavenger hunt on Wed. to have her find clues to the barn, last clue the keys with a Porsche fob, and open the barn and wallah, her very own speedster. Thats the plan anyway. I hope to capture her face on camera when she sees the Speedster.

Special thanks to John L, Frank T, Shawn, Alan, Carey and everyone else who wished me well on my first speedster buy. If my master plan works I'll get another one (of my own) next year - a very red- very zippy one!

A picture or three can definitely say a thousand words! The surprise went down perfectly. A friend of mine invited my wife and I over to their house to supposedly look at their new deck/pergola. We arrived last night (on my wife's birthday), had a beer or two and oohed and aawed over the new deck. I mentioned my wife had got a new bike for her birthday and a new digital camera, which I used to snap off a few pics. My buddy Jeff then said he had some accesories she might be interested in in his garage, we opened the door and wala, there was the BEAUTIFUL SPEEDSTER with a "40" on the driver's door. It did not even register for a few seconds (she was expecting bike accessories!) and then the look on her face was "priceless" as you can see below in the first pic. Incredulity followed by disbelief followed by a hoot & howl of delight (as seen in pic 2). Then she drives it out of the garage and the third pic shows complete satisfaction, see grin over the "40". Of course before leaving the driveway the "40" went in the back seat (no one needs to know....) and off we were. After raining the day before (all the way from Ann Arbor to Rochester while dring the speedster "home") the weather was warm and clear for the first ride. YAHOOOOOO!

This morning she gets up with me at 5am for coffee (we got in around midnight!) and after puttin on a pot she goes out to our garage. 45 minutes later I poke my head out there and see my wife wipin the speedster down, polishing the wheels and re-arrangin the garage for "her speedster!" Totally hooked! Part of the set up was a 3 day class last weekend I sent her to (without me & the kids) called the Factory Five Build School where she and a buncha "guys" built a CObra up from the Mustang Engine complete. I think she learned to appeciate "one of those kit cars" and has now a great attitude towards her own speedster! I would recommend the F5 Build School to anyone, I am even sending my employees to the school asa a team building experience (qualifies for GM tuition assistance). So she made me show her how to change fuses, explain all the buttons, switches, gages and lights etc.

Thanks to James Webby for buildin up such a great speedster, now its our turn (or her turn) to take it from here!


_End of thread_ Look for more pics when my wife "registers"!


Images (3)
  • First Contact
  • Awesome
  • Elizabeths 356
I am also bidding on this sweet looking real 356, which is a 1965, same year my wife was born so it'd be perfect for a birthday gift.The drawbacks are 1) not convertible, 2) in Miami, 3) reserve not met at $18K and I have a feeling it wil top 25$K by this evening.

I was wondering what you'all might think about this one compared to say a new VS or new SAW tubaru in terms of having it as a "weekly driver" for my wife, she is mechanically inclined, but I can't imagine she wants a daily project for a weekly driver if you know what I mean.

Also John Legate, how would you compare this one with your VS as a "first" car of this type for a weekly wifer?

Thanks guys!

Thanks to everyone. Here is an additional (no kidding last one) picture of the birthday adventure.....we are still havin fun @ 40!

Elizabeth said she was getting ribbed at a coffee klatch on wed. morning by an "older woman", so she drove the speedster by the womans house yesterday, called he on the phone and told her to look out the window to see the "old maid" driving by in her birthday present!

I think she is enjoying this way too much (ie when can I drive?)



Images (1)
  • Nachbau Collage
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