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I was coming down the Sepulveda Pass and threw a
fan belt.
Since I didn't have the top on (why would I?) and
it was bright, I didn't see that incredibly bright
warning light telling me of the impending doom.
When I smelled the burning oil, I dove into a gas
station and screamed for a fire extinguisher. I have
never felt so helpless, watching the flames billow
out of the engine compartment.
The paint was damaged in two places, but all else
was saved. I feel fortunate that I wasn't on some
back road as it would have been ugly.
Get a fire extenguisher!!!
California Car Cover has some cool ones.
Now for my question master.
Has anyone heard of a brighter replacement bulb
or possibly a secondary location under the dash for
better veiwing?
Stay Cool. Deane
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I was coming down the Sepulveda Pass and threw a
fan belt.
Since I didn't have the top on (why would I?) and
it was bright, I didn't see that incredibly bright
warning light telling me of the impending doom.
When I smelled the burning oil, I dove into a gas
station and screamed for a fire extinguisher. I have
never felt so helpless, watching the flames billow
out of the engine compartment.
The paint was damaged in two places, but all else
was saved. I feel fortunate that I wasn't on some
back road as it would have been ugly.
Get a fire extenguisher!!!
California Car Cover has some cool ones.
Now for my question master.
Has anyone heard of a brighter replacement bulb
or possibly a secondary location under the dash for
better veiwing?
Stay Cool. Deane
What about a set-up that is wired to activate after you've started the engine. This set-up would kill the ignition if the alternator light comes on to alert you of a broken or thrown belt.

Driving top-down with a loud exhaust, stereo or traffic noise might prevent you from hearing a buzzer. This might be a fail-safe way to prevent frying a motor. Just a thought! Maybe it's already been done...
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