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Here are some pictures of Intermeccanica's water cooled prototype so far. We expect to have it on the road for testing by the beginning of next week, assuming that both Fed Ex and the weather co operates.

I've included three images here but there are a total of 8 in the photos section under jgajdecki. Henry said it was OK to post a few images so here we go.

05_Frame_Rear : This is the frame mated with the body. You can see some of the details of the engine mount from this angle. This was just before the car was flipped over to go into sanding.

11_17_Bodies_in_Shop : The car has just come back from paint and is on the line.

11_17_Cargo_Bay : I asked Henry to include additional lockable storage for me where the back seat was. The Vancouver area is the car crime B&E capital of North America so I needed a way to lock up the equipment I carry every day for work. I know this was a pain in the ass for him, but it really made the car into a daily driver for me. I think you'd have to ask extra nicely for him to build another one of these....

I've also been video taping the assembly process from thte inital welding of the frame and have over 6 hours of material. Perhaps in the summer I'll have some of it edited together.

1959 Intermeccanica(Speedster)
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Here are some pictures of Intermeccanica's water cooled prototype so far. We expect to have it on the road for testing by the beginning of next week, assuming that both Fed Ex and the weather co operates.

I've included three images here but there are a total of 8 in the photos section under jgajdecki. Henry said it was OK to post a few images so here we go.

05_Frame_Rear : This is the frame mated with the body. You can see some of the details of the engine mount from this angle. This was just before the car was flipped over to go into sanding.

11_17_Bodies_in_Shop : The car has just come back from paint and is on the line.

11_17_Cargo_Bay : I asked Henry to include additional lockable storage for me where the back seat was. The Vancouver area is the car crime B&E capital of North America so I needed a way to lock up the equipment I carry every day for work. I know this was a pain in the ass for him, but it really made the car into a daily driver for me. I think you'd have to ask extra nicely for him to build another one of these....

I've also been video taping the assembly process from thte inital welding of the frame and have over 6 hours of material. Perhaps in the summer I'll have some of it edited together.



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  • 05_Frame_Rear_cp
  • 11_17_Bodies_In_Shop_cp
  • 11_17_Cargo_Bay_cp
A couple more images couldn't hurt.

11_23_Stef_in_Car : The roof is up and the seats in temporarily. I'm a bit tall so the seats are as low as possible, and they cut away some of the back so the seats could go back further. IM also put a baby seat anchor in the passanger seat so I can take my daughters around town in style. I've keep my wife involved in the process to make sure our new addition to the family is loved by all.

12_01_Engine_Compartment2 : Yup, it's pretty crammed in there. 2.o litre new build Volkswagon engine, no turbo, and the Porsche 915 transmission. There's another angle of this on my photos page.

12_01_Front_End : The business end with the only refurbished parts in the car, the mechanicals from a less fortunate 911. Radiator and pipes are visible here. After the rack and pinion steering and the gas tank there was very little storage left, which is why we built the additional storage space and also why I'm getting a luggage rack.

Look on my photos page for a couple more images. I post additional ones as time allows. I'm pretty happy about the impending delivery, and to see how it drives, as well as how quiet the engine is. I'm not looking so forward to the first scratch, but it's all part of life.



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  • 11_23_Stef_in_Car_cp
  • 12_01_Engine Compartment 2_cp
  • 12_01_Front_End_cp

Sorry for the late replies, 5 year old birthday party today you know. Balloon animal guy was a godsend. He couldn't make a 356 though.

The radiator of course was one of the biggest variables. henry cut away the front of the car behind the front bumper and installed it there with two fans that are temperture activated. They ran the engine for two hours straight on Friday and had no overheating problems at all, so that's encouraging. There is a duct to direct the air up and into the space, but we'll see how big it will ultimately need to be - maybe a different one for summer and winter.

The colour was my second choice, the first being a warm champaign hue. I noticed that every other car that went though IM was either silver or black, so I wanted to be different. Of course silver and back give you the best resale value, so it was a tough choice. Every month or so there was a car coming off the line that looked great and I thought about changing my colours, but after my first early change I stuck to me guys. The only last minute change I made was going to a metalic paint rather than a more period correct glass finish. The metalic cars always looked great, and these days the cost of touching up either one is about the same - no more going to Canadian Tire and picking up a can of your car's colour for touch ups. I'm really happy with my choices, except perhaps I'd go a bit more neutral on the int. carpet colour, but I like the look of the car. I had lots of time to work it out.

Yes, the transmission is manual. Our Jetta is automatic and I've sure gotten used to it. I've always been a manual driver myself, so I hope it will be as fun as I remember it. When you have a good amount of horse power behind you the shifting is rather rewarding.

I apologize for the transmission question, I am guilty of skimming messages on this board when I'm really busy and had missed the part about which transmission he was using.

Or you can assume I'm a fucking idiot, who just doesn't know anything, like that a 915 transmission is a manual.

I also apologize for my sincere enthusiasm and interest.
(Man-love is in the air.)

John, Thanks for posting the pics. The paint and interior combo is beautiful and the engine installation looks clean and easy to access. The extra storage is a great idea and should come in handy on weekend trips.

Your set up, complete with the 911 suspension, new 2L engine, and 915 is very appealing and should make a fantastic city and road trip car.

I look forward to seeing your Roadster in person, John. Hopefully you will be at the IM BBQ this year.

I guess Henry worked the weekend because he drove it today, and called me right afterwards to say it was everything he expeted, lots of smooth power, even handling and quiet.

I'm sure I'll make it to the IM BBQ, but it's really the car you want to see. I understand, my feelings aren't hurt. The car's looking forward to having a burger and a drink with you guys....

More images :

12_01_Engine_Compartment : I guess Henry also bought a shoe horn this weekend, cause it all sure wasn't fitting in last time I looked.

12_01_Front_Wheel : 911 front end, all nicely re-finished and ready to keep me from driving into a snow bank or some parked police cars.

11_17_Engine_Compartment : The underside's plumbing for anyone who is really into nuts and bolts.

I'll have some more pictures Friday at the soonest, end of the weekend by the latest. Busy week for me. At some point Henry's going to finish this car and I'm not going to have anywhere to go once a week to get away from the crazies I work with. But at least I'll be going no where in style.



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  • 12_01_Engine_Compartment_cp
  • 12_01_Front_Wheel_cp
  • 11_17_Engine_Compartment_cp
I would ask Henry about the air intake. Is he planning on having the engine grill sealed to prevent water from entering the engine area. If he is then having the intake as a "shorty" like it is in the picture means you will constantly being pulling in the heated air from the engine bay. This might not seem significant, but all of the heat from the engine is going to rise an be trapped, and the engine will pull it in at a rate of about 500cfm, this results in a hotter running engine and less hp, and less significantly reduced gas mileage. Your intake temperature is going to be around 40-50 degrees warmer at 85 degrees then the outside air temperature. The hotter it gets from that point on the difference is exponentially driven and by 100 degrees it will be definitely noticeable and make the car not as responsive.

I'm sure he is thinking that with the bottom of the engine bay open that air is going to be constantly exchanging, and it does, but not enough.

I just completed a modification to my car just for this reason. After adding the plumbing to route the air filter to a cold air location, you should use intake insulation to prevent heat soak/transfer into the intake charge.
Well I am no expert and my golf engine conversion is a home made affair - I think Steve has a very valid point, my car will sit in traffic or idle at perfectally normal temperatures, on the open road it tends to run hot and sometimes too close to the red on the guage for my liking,unfortunately I dont use my car as often as I would like to and I dont know any body with a speedster in the whole of southern Potugal, especially with a golf engine!So please excuse me butting in here guys you are my only real speedster contact!


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  • IM000122
Luis, your set up looks very familiar indeed. How do you find the additional mass behind the rear wheels affects the handling of the car ? I plan to use mine every day so I'm sure I'll have to get to the bottom of whatever potential cooling and intake problems exist pretty quickly.

Of course I have great faith in IM and Henry, and have no worries. In Vancouver if you have car troubles you get wet, but back in eastern Canada the tempertures can get pretty severe. I assume the weather in Portugal is pretty good all year round. Did you install air conditioning ?

Hi John,

To be honest I dont know as I have never driven another speedster or beetle to compare with, as a whole I dont feel the wheight affects the car that much,what I do find is that the front maybe a little light and hard braking will turn into a slide.Mine is one of the early kits(over 20yrs).No provision for heating or aircon.As a daily driver you should consider all mod cons available and rather get them done now if you can,I envy your setup, it looks awsome,wow even a 5 speed tranny!Are you going for the traditional look or are something more daring?Well as far as the winter weather goes we have daytime temps at 17-20 deg(roll on summer). Celcius and lows at night just above zero, fortunately no snow this far south.Judging from all the reading I have done the speedster builders like IM etc.mentioned on this site come across as serious professionals and I am sure you know what you going to get.Remember there are lots of watercooled speedys around I dont think you will have problems.Good luck, keep posting - cheers.
John, I'm not saying it is so much a problem, especially for you being so far up north, it probably doesn't get above 85 all that much up there anyway. I'm just proposing a better way, with better results. Your getting an engine that will compensate automatically for hot weather by changing the timing and changing the fuel commands, so why not try and keep that intake air as cool as possible and prevent it from changing the timing and robbing you of power.

I look at things as "what is the very best way" not necessarily what is required or needed.
Ahh don't worry.. it's taken care of, well not yet.. but it's in the works to be done and the filter itself will end up being on the passenger side of the engine carpartment..

John is gonna be very pleased with it.. Rides nice, Handles great, accelerates NICELY Specially over 3,200, Exhuast Tone is Nice and pleasing too..

and a pic of the exhuast in the making...


Images (1)
  • Picture 106-640
Kevin, thanks for shooting the pix, I've been swamped and have not been able to come in this week to bug you guys. Might be able to make it tomorrow morning as we'll be working very late tonight and starting later tomorow.

I feel like a bit of an idiot, you guys all know much more about these cars than I do, I'm just looking for something cool, and I believe I have found it. Right up until someone keys the door with the friendly message " Don't park here " and someone else punctures the back window with some scrap metal, both of which happened to my Z3, plus many more helpful upgrades.

Yah you can't see it.. their is a heat shield around the top half of the Cat.. also the edge of the cat you do see in the above pic is least 1/4-1/2 inch away from the edge of the bottom lip (can't really tell to well) Also the cat is at an angle so it'll be as far away as possible from the Body..

Also once the car is moving... there'll be enough Air movment around the cat to help Cool the surroundign areas down.. even itself.. plus add in the Down pipe, Cat and Muffler are being Cermic coated to help keep the heat inside the exhuast for added protection :)

Ron, I'm going to say this as nicely as possible. They said they were going to run a cold air inlet eventually up above. No harm, I have been guilty of skimming posts lately also, it was quite obviuos when I asked what transmission they were running and Dale elegantly pointed out that they had said which one. LOL

I actually had a cat on my Intermeccanica, it was not in that location though, it was no problem, other then it was too restrictive for the air cooled engine.
At the cost of gas, and the fact that john should be running leasta Minium of 92 octane in his car.. Sitting idling I think will be kept at a minium... :)
Also it's been ran for 30+ minutes already before the Exhuast was ceramic coated and the body never got all that much warmer then if it was left outside on the nicest of days... and this was inside and idling with a abit of reving up once in awhile... Also after a 20-30 minute drive booting around, it still never got that hot... Now add in the Ceramic coating.. and things should be alot better..

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