The hotel has 21 of our 30 rooms booked so far. If you haven't booked yet, you have until April 30th to do so.
We have 30 rooms blocked until April 27th (Friday). If you miss that date, you're on your own. If you think you want to go, but aren't sure you can make it, call and book and, if needed, cancel before the cancellation date of 2 days prior. Of course, contact me before you cancel since I may have someone waiting for a room and we can transfer it to them (happened last year). But, the simple thing is DON'T WAIT!
Hotel info is as follows:
Quality Suites
1631 Monterey St.
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Tell them you're in the "SOC Group" for the special rate.
Watch for updates as I start asking for money to send my kid to college, er I mean, as I start putting dinner together.
Hey Dundernuckel, can you post this over on the Facebook page for Dr DeManto? P.S. I corrected the phone number so GERD doesn't keep calling that college girl asking to stay the night!