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Just to be sure I have the Halter Ranch counts correct.

Dowd (Longfellow?) 2

Farmer 1

Galvan 2

Hampton 2

Ignacio 1

Kingston 1

Macare (Dutch?) 2

McEwen 1

Munson 1

Murtaugh 5 (When you guys start your own splinter group, can I join?)

Nuckels 2

Smith 1

Sloan 1

Stewart 1

I'll collect $15 pp that weekend for the tasting.  If anyone else wants to join, we can always take more, but I'll let them know we're currently sitting at 25 tasters.


With the folks that counted in for Halter Ranch tasting only,,,I have 31 people .  Please make sure that you locate me on Friday night and get money to me at $15/pp.  I'll have a list with me and be sure I mark you as paid.

If I don't have you marked as paid by Sat morning, you may be outta luck.  Especially since collections is my least favorite job!

I'm also going to need a few volunteers to help with the dinner set up and serving if anyone is interested.  I'm going to try to get the hotel to "ice" our cases of beer and white wine for us, but we'll see how amenable they are to that.  I have six cases to chill and 65 dinners to serve.

There was a question I received about Halter Ranch.  The answer for anyone wanting to know is that everyone is welcome to drive and experience the winery whether or not you plan on tasting.  In fact, I recommend that everyone make the drive out there just to experience the windy roads through the oaks.

I keep repeating myself,,,,THIS IS GOING TO BE HUGE!!!  Let the fun begin!

Huge,,,Yuge,,,It's gonna be BIG!!!  This is the largest group since I've started attending in 2010.  I'm excited for this year,,,just not sure what next year will hold since we're outgrowing everywhere.

Les and Lee, thank you! I'll probably take you up on the offer.  Dinner is going to have to be in shifts since we've outgrown the room.  First diners are gonna have to eat, clean the area and make room for the next set.  We'll get to that later!

Troy (and Bill Nash), thanks for the PayPal for Halter.  Hopefully without all the flash money I won't get robbed this year!! LOL

I'm going to float this idea out to the group this year, but just to get it out there, start thinking about creating (and volunteering on) an organizing committee.  Anyone interested...the qualifications are you must have fun!!!  You should be able to drink wine and eat great food, but not necessary.  And, most important, you should be willing to come to the area at least once between WCC gatherings to scout and make contacts with the area businesses to set up for 2018.

Maybe we should all look at investing in our own winery, hotel and restaurant??  Everyone could be a shareholder and own a piece of SLO county real estate.  At least you know you'd have one group event each year!

Let's get the party started!!!

gerd - 1m/1l/

vinny - 1s/ 1 xxl

robert m - 1xl/ 1s

trp - 1 xl

roy - 2 xxl

bob hampton -1 xxl

Tom Murtaugh - 1 XXXL, 1 XXL, 2L, 2M

terry - 1 xl/ 1 l/ 1 m

*LongFella, Brian - 2 m and 1 s

majorkahuna - 1 XL

Rocklin Mike - 1l

MusbJim - 1xxl/ 1s

slofuzz - 2L

Doug Kingston - 1l/ 1xs

Dutch - XL2

I'm Les - 1 xl/ 1 s

Marty Grzynkowicz - 1L

Dave (Speedster "D") Galvan - 1s / 1 xl

Troy Sloan - 1xl

Dan Stewart - 1xl

slotub - 1l

tebys - 1xl

Sacto Mitch - 1m

Rick99GSX - 1s/ 1 l

seth356- 2m

I have two routes picked out for my trip down. Anyone care to join me? I'm thinking of leaving Sacramento, Friday early morning (say 7-8am). If I do Route A I can pick up some Bay Area folks in San Jose or Gilroy.

Route A winds down the levees of the Sacramento Delta, and across islands via bridges and even a ferry before winding down to Mount Diablo. From there, it's the 101 to the famous State Route 25.

325 miles over 7hrs (but if the ferry takes too long, it's easy to skip. Same with Mt Diablo.)

Route B takes us through the farm belt of California, avoiding the 5. It picks up Hwy 25 as well. No ferries, islands, mountains or levees. But it is faster. Thanks @Sacto Mitch for help winding down the state off of the 5.

6hrs over 300 miles


Getting excited!


Images (2)
  • Route A
  • Route B
Last edited by Ryan (formerly) in NorCal
Rusty S posted:

There is hope for a Big Sir cruise after all!!

For anyone interested in a 1/2 day cruise from Paso Robles to Limekiln Park on the outskirts of Big Sir here is a map. I checked with the Forestry Service and Cal-Trans and the road is open to the public through to Hwy 1. Take a lunch, water (Beers), and camera - this is a beautiful drive. Fill up at the San Miguel, CA. Chevron at 10th street. It's a 65 mile, 2 1/2 hour drive through the national forest and over to hwy 1, then up to Limekiln Park. Gorda Springs Resort is open as well. They have gas, lodging, mini mart, and café right on the coast.

Paso to Limekiln Park

Donna and me are going to do this drive Sunday morning then head back around noon. Please join us!

Ryan in NorCal posted:

Fair enough @slofuzz. I suspect last thing you want when organizing something like this is backseat drivers. I'll offer the opportunity to the NorCal thread on our caravan down Friday. Thanks for all you've done for the trip!

Don't make me go "Dusty" on you! 

Actually, the time to add to the cruise is during the planning stages over the past several months.  Once we finalize, routes are printed and times are firmed up with our destinations.  A few days before the Saturday cruise becomes a lot more difficult to deviate.

Hopefully the Santa Margarita Ranch private runway is in good enough condition.  If so, that would be a great little side trip for folks on Friday, Saturday on the way back to the hotel or Sunday morning on the way out of town since it's just 10 minutes north of our hotel in SLO.

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