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Okay, so here goes....


I'm trying to finish up with the last minute details and make final preparations for our assault on SLO and the surrounding county.  Not to mention, setting up a distraction for the roadblocks the cops are using to locate GERD!


If you don't see your name on the list, the numbers are wrong or you need help with something WCC related, let me know and I will try to help out (no guarantee of success though).


We currently have a total of 19 hotel rooms booked at the Quality Suites.  They are completely sold out and I'm now being told they have no way of flagging the computer to notify me if a room becomes available through cancellations (sorry Rusty).



Cramer, Scott & Marlene2341
Kerswill, Gerd & Carrol2221
Noone, Bob    
Bull, Larry11 1
Crouch, Mike & Liz22  
Galvan, Dave & Lili22 1
Helm, Mark & Rhonda22  
Ignacio, Jim & Ginny22 1
Karyadi, Eddie11 1
Kaufman, John & Diane22 1
Kingston, Doug & Karine2221
Leong, Blake & Jen22 1
Manto, Vince & Teri222?1
Munson, Les & 22 1
Murtaugh, Tom & Kimmie34 3
Nuckels, Terry & Bro22 1
Pierson, Ted & Alexis222?1
Segal, Teby & Jill222?1
Sloan, Troy & Sally22  
Smith, Rusty11  
Stewart, Dan Shannon2221
White, Warren & Karen22  
Zagar, Kevin & Maggie22 1
Zumwall, 11  






1957 Vintage Speedsters(Speedster)

Last edited by slofuzz
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The following is a tentative schedule of events that is always subject to change with this group of knuckleheads....


6/6 Fri -  Arrival

          -  Meet and Greet at Pool area with Compl Drinks incl

          -  Berlin Concert at 6 PM (we leave around 5:30)


6/7 Sat - Breakfast on your own (hotel has build to order compl breakfast)

          - Gather for Cruise at 9:45 AM (Vets Hall @ Grand/ Monterey in SLO)

          - Cruise to North County with several stops. 

          - Lunch approx 12:30 @ Dusi Vineyards

          - More Cruising and Stops (TBD based on weather/ heat)

          - Return to SLO

          - Dinner at Pappy MacGregors approx 7 PM


6/8 Sun - Breakfast

          - Farewells to those leaving

          - Open to ideas/ suggestions,,,possibly SLO Concours

Last edited by slofuzz

I set-up the meals like last year.  You can choose your meal based on the normal and complete menu and pay as individuals/ couples so no need to pre-pay or stick to a limited menu.


The lunch for Saturday is provided by Fundaro's Foodstream (aka Airstream Trailer) that is scheduled to be at the winery.  The last menu I had of theirs included all gourmet selections such as El Pollo Real (chick breast, spinach, avocado, aioli w/ serrano on ciabatta bread), Miso Pork Sandwich (smoked, pulled pork w/ tangy bbq sauce, miso lemon kale slaw, pickled onions on brioche), and Carnitas Tacos (pulled pork, cilantro, onions, cabbage, avocado, tomatillo & red sauce, feta cheese on corn tortillas) and Hatch Chile Poutine (house cut fries, hatch chile gravy, cilantro, onions and feta cheese).  They also had a Green Eggs & Hamburger (grass fed beef, arugula, green chile pesto, fried egg, red onion, and pork belly on brioche).


Wine is available by the glass or bottle and the winery will allow beer in the picnic area (or scotch).  I'm trying to work out getting some beer avail, but small coolers may be the only answer.  Also a good idea to bring water for the drive.


The only thing I need to do is get a final tally of who's in for lunch and dinner to be considerate to the vendors who are working with us and making this simple for all.  Check the list above and confirm the numbers.  Please let me know if your numbers are wrong, otherwise I will assume them to be correct.


Looking forward to a great event done only the way the West Coast can do it!!!





Last thing (for now),,,, I would like to get a few volunteers to lead the group on the cruise day Saturday.  My idea is to caravan like we have in the past, but to place people in smaller groups within the large group.  Each small group will have a "leader" and a map.  This way we can avoid any wrong turns if the gap gets big or we have any breakdowns.  The leader will be responsible for making sure his/her small group stays together and gets to the next destination safely.  I will make sure maps are available for the leaders with clear and concise directions to each venue.


A happy group is a fun group!!

Hey Slo -


How would you like us to reply? Here in the thread or direct message?


Alexis and I will be in for food at Dusi (j dusi, I assume? EXCELLENT Cabs!!) and the evening dinner on Saturday.  We are going to roll out on Sunday morning. 


We will not be attending the Berlin concert. We are staying at the Quality Inn. We have one room. I'm afraid I won't be of any use as a 'leader of the pack'. I'm a better follower than I am a leader.




Gotcha Ted!  And, J Dusi it is.  They were very accommodating and the food truck was just as nice.


I'm sure I can "volunteer" several leaders if need be!


If there are any changes to my totals, replies can be sent to my e-mail hammerinATgmail or sent via cell at eight0five-two34-zero5eight9.  Thanks for asking.



Scott, I will bring tickets for the raffle on Saturday night..

The plan will be same as in past years, all money collected will be given away as a raffle item after any and all other items have been won.

I encourage you to bring an Item for the raffle, but not required.... 

if you bring an item please make it something that you would also like to win as a raffle item, but not necessarily auto related...(gift cards, etc)  remember large items may be difficult to store in a speedster for the trip home...


Scott, special thanks for all your time and planning to bring these misfits together,

All we need now is decent weather....


Scott, Teri and I will not be attending "Berlin" Friday night...I'll need to be within stumbling distance of my room....

Last edited by Cuzn Vinny 90264

Terry, your welcome!  I'm not sure about sodas, but I will check when I call next Monday with our totals.


Vince, sounds good.  Jim and I talked about maybe adding a poker run aspect to the cruise, but we'll see.


Jim, gotcha!  I knew I could count on you.  I should be able to enlist others once we get settled in.  Not all that much responsibility and easy navigation with the maps.  I just don't want to lose anyone like we did last year, unless of course they want to be lost!

Name            Lunch          Dinner          Berlin          Hotel
Cramer, Scott & Marlene2341
Kerswill, Gerd & Carrol2221
Noone, Bob    
Bull, Larry11 1
Crouch, Mike & Liz22  
Galvan, Dave & Lili22 1
Helm, Mark & Rhonda22  
Ignacio, Jim & Ginny22 1
Karyadi, Eddie11 1
Kaufman, John & Diane22 1
Kingston, Doug & Karine2221
Leong, Blake & Jen22 1
Manto, Vince & Teri22 1
Munson, Les & 22 1
Murtaugh, Tom & Kimmie34 3
Nuckels, Terry & Bro22 1
Pierson, Ted & Alexis22         1
Segal, Teby & Jill22          2?1
Sloan, Troy & Sally22  
Smith, Rusty22  
Stewart, Dan Shannon2221
White, Warren & Karen22  
Zagar, Kevin & Maggie22 1
Zumwall, 11  
Last edited by slofuzz

Latest update!


Name            Lunch          Dinner          Berlin          Hotel
Cramer, Scott & Marlene2341
Kerswill, Gerd & Carrol2221
Noone, Bob    
Bull, Larry11 1
Crouch, Mike & Liz22  
Galvan, Dave & Lili22 1
Helm, Mark & Rhonda22  
Ignacio, Jim & Ginny22 1
Karyadi, Eddie11 1
Kaufman, John & Diane22 1
Kingston, Doug & Karine2221
Leong, Blake & Jen22 1
Manto, Vince & Teri22 1
Munson, Les & Lee22                 21
Murtaugh, Tom & Kimmie34 3
Nuckels, Terry & Bro22 1
Pierson, Ted & Alexis22         1
Segal, Teby & Jill22         1
Sloan, Troy & Sally22  
Smith, Rusty22  
Stewart, Dan Shannon2221
White, Warren & Karen22  
Zagar, Kevin & Maggie22 1
Zumwall, 11  
Last edited by slofuzz

Finalizing the details this week!  Looks like 12-13 people for the concert on Friday.  With about 45 people for the cruise and lunch.  I plan to cruise to wineries this year to get the most out of our drives.  Tasting is purely optional, but the roads to get there and the wineries themselves have incredible scenery and will make the day most enjoyable.


For those who don't care for wine, plan on a small ice chest with your favorite beverage and enjoy the social time with the group.  I will try to determine the best place for a group photo and the cruise may include a poker run to add to the fun.


Musbjim is working on that last part for us!  Thanks Jim!!  I will also contact you by the end of the week to get maps made of our routes.  The routes should be finalized by then.


GERD,,,sorry you're not gonna be here!



Rooms are sold out at the hotel I booked.  Rusty Smith told me he was able to get a room at the Sands Suites (See contact info below), which is within a block of our hotel and eating/ watering hole.  Try them and see if you can get in.  The parking is adequate for our cars.


As far as RSVP'ing, you just did.  I will count you in for lunch and dinner on Saturday.  No need to send any money, the vendors are working with me and allowing everyone to pay their own way that day.  I just needed numbers to give them so there are no surprises.


Sands Suites 1930 Monterey St, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

(800) 441-4657



Looks like a great turnout for this event!






Cramer, Scott & Marlene2341
Kerswill, Gerd & Carrol2221
Noone, Bob    
Bull, Larry11 1
Crouch, Mike & Liz22  
Galvan, Dave & Lili22 1
Helm, Mark & Rhonda22  
Ignacio, Jim & Ginny22 1
Karyadi, Eddie11 1
Kaufman, John & Diane22 1
Kingston, Doug & Karine2221
Leong, Blake & Jen22 1
Manto, Vince & Teri22 1
Mitchell, Dave & Betsy22  
Munson, Les & 2221
Murtaugh, Tom & Kimmie34 3
Nuckels, Terry & Bro22 1
Pierson, Ted & Alexis22 1
Segal, Teby & Jill2211
Sloan, Troy & Sally22  
Smith, Rusty22  
Stewart, Dan Shannon2221
White, Warren & Karen22  
Zagar, Kevin & Maggie22 1
Zumwall, 11  
Last edited by slofuzz

Jim,,,I should have everything finalized tomorrow so will do.


Dave,,, just got off the phone with the hotel and confirmed your reservation along with reserving one for Rusty Smith who was the only other person I know of that didn't have a room at Quality Suites.


FYI for anyone else interested, as of this afternoon there is one more room that came available beyond Rusty and Dave.  If anyone needs another room, I suggest you jump on it quickly!!


GERD,,,no matter what language, it all translates to B@**$4i! 



Okay everyone, I have our route planned with some minor timing tweaks!  The stops are set and the lunch has been confirmed.  The only thing we need to do is the following:


Please e-mail me with your lunch choice so the lunch truck can get an idea of what to stock up on (See menu below).  E-mail to hammerinATgmaildotcom.  I will also be asking for an idea of how many wine tastings for the first two stops (one of which is our lunch stop).  The morning of the cruise, I will ask for a show of hands before we start driving so I can make a couple calls.


All the vendors have been very accommodating and are not requiring absolute hard numbers, just a ballpark idea so you are not stuck with your decisions.  Let's just try to be as accurate as we can.


I now have 15 people counted in for the Friday concert.  Transporting everyone is gonna cost me a couple of concert tickets to pay the drivers.  Is everyone amenable to paying $7/ pp for transportation to and from?  Still cheaper than a taxi or gas!


Last thing,,,there are a couple of rooms that came available as of yesterday.  If you know anyone that may still be interested, let them know to call and get a room.


Here are the lunch menu choices...


Green Eggs & Hamburger -  Grass fed beef, arugula, hatch green chile pesto, fried egg, red onion and pork belly on brioche  $12


El Pollo Real - Free range chicken breast, spinach, avocado & aioli w/ serrano on ciabatta roll  $10


3 Carnitas Tacos - Pulled pork, cilantro, onions, cabbage, avocado, tomotillo & red sauce, feta cheese on corn tortilla  $8


Hatch Chile Poutine - house cut fries, hatch chile gravy, cilantro, onions and feta cheese  $6


The fries are outstanding and highly recommended as a side to split with your meal!  Please e-mail me your choices before Wednesday.  Again, you're not locked in, but the numbers will help the owner stock up on what look like popular choices.


Safe travels to everyone heading this way!

Jen,,,I have you down for 2 for lunch and dinner.  Hope that's right!


Eddie,,,I appreciate the offer.  I might take you up on that while providing a good set of maps.  Maybe if you're riding solo, Ryan can ride with you.  Not quite as good as having your son here, but close! 


I'm breathing a sigh of relief tonight.  All that's left are a few phone calls to firm up numbers and details.  Now I'm just waiting for everyone to arrive and have some fun!!

Scott - Karen and I will meet you guys on Saturday and do some lunch, wine and whatever. Will probably have to leave after lunch to get ready for my Sunday race. Looking forward to seeing you guys. Sorry I missed last year, but this year is about the same with car prep. Just got my engine back in the car yesterday. It will be ready in a day or two. Do you need money for lunch? We won't be able to attend dinner.

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