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BlakeAndJen posted:

We're not going to make the run this year. We're both bummed to miss the craziness! Have a great time! (not that you need any encouragement)

Who's going to jump start my car this year?

Oh wait, I bought a new battery and rewired my lights so they go off when the car is off.

Sorry to hear you won't be joining us. 


Your Decisions not to attend this years event has prompted me to do the following:

I have contacted my estate planning attorney and have advised him toREMOVE you both from my trust.   However if you wish to be reinstated,  please reverse your decision not to attend the 2016 West Coast Cruise to Slo.  The sum of money in which you both stand to lose could exceed 4.5 million....................................................... (peso)

Best regards,


Kidding,,,things are starting to shape up nicely.  The hotel is set and multiple rooms have been booked (although I don't have a head count yet). 

The Saturday cruise will be heading up the coast with some side trip options for those interested.  Lunch will be a box lunch we pick up enroute to our lunch stop.  The food is outstanding and the options are sandwiches of either tri-tip on a hoagie roll or turkey on a whole wheat roll.  Lunch will include a side and a cookie for $15.  They can provide drinks if anyone wants one.

Dinner is going to be Italian for those who want to count in.  Otherwise, you can go to any number of places in the area and meet in the hotel breakfast room where we will hold our dinner/ raffle/ drinkathon.

Please start emailing me with your dates of attendance, lunch choices and dinner choice if you plan on Italian.  I'll create my spreadsheet and get things finalized with the restaurants.  This also helps me to let the stops know how many to expect so they don't get overwhelmed (last years food truck is not in play this year!).

Email me at hammerinatgmaildotcom

slofuzz posted:

Kidding,,,things are starting to shape up nicely.  The hotel is set and multiple rooms have been booked (although I don't have a head count yet). 

The Saturday cruise will be heading up the coast with some side trip options for those interested.  Lunch will be a box lunch we pick up enroute to our lunch stop.  The food is outstanding and the options are sandwiches of either tri-tip on a hoagie roll or turkey on a whole wheat roll.  Lunch will include a side and a cookie for $15.  They can provide drinks if anyone wants one.

Dinner is going to be Italian for those who want to count in.  Otherwise, you can go to any number of places in the area and meet in the hotel breakfast room where we will hold our dinner/ raffle/ drinkathon.

Please start emailing me with your dates of attendance, lunch choices and dinner choice if you plan on Italian.  I'll create my spreadsheet and get things finalized with the restaurants.  This also helps me to let the stops know how many to expect so they don't get overwhelmed (last years food truck is not in play this year!).

Email me at hammerinatgmaildotcom


Hey folks, again, I'm going to need some info from you guys as to Sat lunch choice and if you plan on eating Italian with the group.  So far I only have 13 counted in for lunch/ dinner.  BTW,,,3 of those 13 are my own family. 

Looking back at the postings, it looks like we have quite a few more than that going, but I need actual counts for lunch and dinner this year because of changes in the cruise location and the remodeling of our nearby restaurant.

Please email me as soon as you get this.

So far, I have replies from the following:

Cramer (obviously), Farmer, Ignacio, Manto, McEwen, Norton and Teby.


Last edited by slofuzz

Okay everyone,,,we're about 6 weeks away from the cruise and I still haven't heard from some of you regarding meals.  Starting to feel like I'm herding cats here if you know what I mean.  For those who've gotten back to me,,,a big thank you (even though I had to do the "let's pretend you are coming and what would you want to eat" game with GERD).

So far, I have about 40 people accounted for with hotel rooms so the turnout seems about normal.  Some of our usual suspects haven't booked yet, but I'm hoping they're still coming.   If some of you have contact info for the following people, can you try and make contact to let them know about the event?

Missing from the line-up are The Kaufmans, Chris Jones, The Piersons, Dale Bates, The Murtaughs,  The Kingstons and Mitch Toll.  Trying to get to the 50 mark for attendance so any help you can give me is appreciated.

I'm still missing food choices from the following folks who are booked:

Galvan, Helm, Macare, McIntire, and Munson

Give these folks a shout out if you have their contact info and have them email me.  I'm going to try and finalize the food stuff by the end of May.

Is anyone interested in doing some kind of a themed cruise on Sat (IE., crazy hats)?

Last item,,,if you involved in this cruise or interested in it, please click on the "follow this topic" at the top of the page.  Then you'll get notified by email when a new reply is posted.

Everyone take care and looking forward to seeing this group in June!

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