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Okay gang!  About a week left before I finalize the food plans with our vendors.  If you haven't made hotel reservations, now is the time to do it to guarantee getting in the hotel (I assume they still have rooms blocked).  I also need food choices for those I haven't heard from.  So far the only names booked (as of late April) that haven't given me their food choices are Galvan and Macare.  Dinner shouldn't be much of an issue since it seems everyone is in for Italian, but lunch will need to be ordered in advance and specific to your request.

So far our numbers are right at 40 plus.  We have close to 45 people cruising on Saturday so should be a great time.  Keep your fingers crossed for good weather!

Thanks folks! 

John, I already had you down from an earlier PM. 

Bruce, thanks for the info.  I've got you guys covered.  As far as dinner, it's going to be more like a buffet line after I get a bunch of party trays in from the restaurant up the street.  Are you and Susan staying at the hotel?

Only scheduled items are the cruise at 10 AM Saturday and dinner that night prob at 7 PM.  Friday night is just an impromptu gathering in the courtyard that serves as a welcome night!

If anyone has Dave Galvan's contact info, please have him contact me with his food choices.  I'm finalizing everything by next Monday.

slofuzz posted:

Thanks folks! 

John, I already had you down from an earlier PM. 

Bruce, thanks for the info.  I've got you guys covered.  As far as dinner, it's going to be more like a buffet line after I get a bunch of party trays in from the restaurant up the street.  Are you and Susan staying at the hotel?

Only scheduled items are the cruise at 10 AM Saturday and dinner that night prob at 7 PM.  Friday night is just an impromptu gathering in the courtyard that serves as a welcome night!

If anyone has Dave Galvan's contact info, please have him contact me with his food choices.  I'm finalizing everything by next Monday.

Dave Galvan has been all over the state at Trump conventions. Understand he is head of California Mexicans for Trump.

Okay,,,first issue has come up!  If it's a problem, let me know.

I talked to the lunch restaurant today and the price is $20 for lunch.  This includes a sandwich, potato & white bean salad, a cookie and a drink.  That's tax and tip included.  This is up from the original price of $15 that he quoted off the top of his head and without tax and drink.

If anyone has an issue with the price hike, let me know and you can opt out of the box lunch.  It seems a little spendy to me, but I know the quality of food from Sebastian's is incredible.

For those who want to stay in, he is requesting cash or check for the entire order which I can pay the day we pick up.  I can collect money Friday night or by Paypal prior.  So far we have 52 lunches accounted for so it should be a good crowd.

If I don't hear from anyone about opting out of the lunch, I will firm up our numbers with the restaurant on June 10th, per his request.

Dinner prices are set according to their menu (Gino's) and I will make sure we have enough pastas and salads for everyone.

OCC posted:

what pay pal do we use also is there some kind of auction I read about. This is my first year. Thanks guys!

The people attending this event usually bring something to donate to the raffle. Items have included spare parts, shirts, books, etc. We sell raffle tickets and give everything away. Then the money raised in the raffle is divided up and raffled off.

slofuzz posted:

Okay,,,first issue has come up!  If it's a problem, let me know.

I talked to the lunch restaurant today and the price is $20 for lunch.  This includes a sandwich, potato & white bean salad, a cookie and a drink.  That's tax and tip included.  This is up from the original price of $15 that he quoted off the top of his head and without tax and drink.

If anyone has an issue with the price hike, let me know and you can opt out of the box lunch.  It seems a little spendy to me, but I know the quality of food from Sebastian's is incredible.

For those who want to stay in, he is requesting cash or check for the entire order which I can pay the day we pick up.  I can collect money Friday night or by Paypal prior.  So far we have 52 lunches accounted for so it should be a good crowd.

If I don't hear from anyone about opting out of the lunch, I will firm up our numbers with the restaurant on June 10th, per his request.

Dinner prices are set according to their menu (Gino's) and I will make sure we have enough pastas and salads for everyone.

Are you comfortable posting your PayPal info here? If so post it and those of us that can will PayPal you the money up front. If not PM us your PP info for payment.

Terry Nuckels posted:

It's okay, Scott. However, Kevin and I are used to $5 buck lunches. This must be some special stuff, eh?

Is PayPal best for you? I can take care of that now if you'd like.

$5 bucks???  He must be slumming in Oxnard then (no offense to anyone from Oxnard).  In Montecito, I'm pretty sure they charge double for everything!  $5 bucks might get you a candy bar!!

Terry:      WOW,  Very Generous man..

Must be getting tons of residual revenue from all your "TERRY NUCKLES HOW TO GUIDE BOOKS"............... By the way I just picked one up the other day,  I almost have the complete collection..   Damn things are becoming Rare and Collectable..

The world Mega selling,  "DON'T BE SOUR, ITS HAPPY HOUR," look like a million dollars on a $10 bill..  (circa 1962)  


BY the way,   GERD ISN'T COMING!!

I have one favor to ask.  At the dinner, please make a firm decision for the date of next year's gathering.  Please take into consideration that June is a popular month for vacation planning and graduation events.   I won't be there, but my vote would be for the 1st weekend in June.

If lack of hotel availability is an issue, the event planning will probably need to begin much earlier in the process. 

Thank you and have a great time. 

The family strategy and planning committee meeting has adjourned, and I regret to report that The Murtaugh clan will be visiting grandparents in Florida that weekend.

Unfortunately, that means we can't even see the SoCal contingent off from the Topanga Motel.  We'll miss you this year.  Best of luck and enjoy!

Scott, tell Ryan that if he wants the secret to fixing the raffle, he should call me directly.  Vince, I promise I won't use your name.

Happy cruising, everyone!

Geez!  Let me get this straight... Chris "Punchdrunk" Robertson isn't going to make it,,,Tom "Fighting Bear" Murtaugh won't be there,,, and now no Ted "Scrappy Do" Pierson??  The MMA crew has officially disbanded and handed the reins back to the Hall of Fame Fight Club led by Jim "El Guapo" Ignacio and GERD "Tweezer Butt" Kerswill.  WOW!!  You two better bring your A game!!

Or, I guess you could bring the secret weapon, Vince "Dr Evil De" Manto!!

Last edited by slofuzz
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