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Troy!  Just for you, I've already started contacting the hotel about next year and have the date set on my calendar when they open the bookings in advance.  Pretty sure we're looking at Father's Day weekend next year or possibly July 4th!

I love being in charge!!  LOL

I'm just kidding!  You're concerns have been taken very seriously and Vince is working on them now.  He just can't respond directly since he's been banned from the site!


Received your Paypal payment so you and I are the only ones eating so far! 

For the other 48 people, just make sure you're here and bring cash or a check for $20/pp.  Otherwise, I'm still on the hook for 52 lunches for a total of $1,040. 

If something happens last minute, please let me know at least 72 hours in advance and I can adjust our lunch totals with the vendor so we don't lose money.

slofuzz posted:

Troy!  Just for you, I've already started contacting the hotel about next year and have the date set on my calendar when they open the bookings in advance.  Pretty sure we're looking at Father's Day weekend next year or possibly July 4th!

I love being in charge!!  LOL

I'm just kidding!  You're concerns have been taken very seriously and Vince is working on them now.  He just can't respond directly since he's been banned from the site!


Hey folks,  I need to finalize everything today for dinner and I'm trying to tie up some loose ends and verify my numbers for dinner.  I need some help here since I'm comparing our hotel list vs the food totals I have.

Does anyone here know who Rene Macare is?  They've booked a room, but I haven't heard from them on food and El Guapo wasn't sure who this was.  Can anyone else help out here?

Rusty, if you're out there, are you staying at the hotel with us this year?  I don't have you on the list.

We have about 52 lunches which I will finalize a week before.  The dinner totals are at 43 with those who have confirmed with me.  The dinner trays feed up to 20 people per tray so I want to be sure we have correct totals before I order a third tray.  The difference would be less than $5/pp so I will order extra if I can't confirm the lower numbers. 

With all said and done, dinner should be $20/pp or less after I get all our supplies and utensils bought.

Let me know if you can answer any of my questions.  I will follow up later today with a list showing who I have counted in.



Here's my current list (alphabetically by last name):

If my info isn't accurate, please let me know. 

  • Larry Bull     Turkey x 2, Dinner x 2, Hotel
  • Scott Cramer     Tri-Tip x 3, Dinner x 3, Hotel
  • Noel Farmer     Turkey x 2, Dinner x 2, Hotel
  • Jim Fellows    Tri-Tip x 1, Turkey x 1
  • Dave Galvan     Turkey x 2, Dinner x 2, Hotel
  • Jeff Gator     Turkey x 2
  • Mark Helm     Tri-Tip x 2, Dinner x 2, Hotel
  • Jim Ignacio     Tri-Tip x 1, Turkey x 1, Dinner x 2, Hotel
  • John Kaufman     Turkey x 2, Dinner x 2, Hotel
  • Carrol Kerswill     Tri-Tip x 1, Turkey x 1, Dinner x 2, Hotel
  • Marc LaFont     Tri-Tip x 2, Dinner x 2, Hotel
  • Rene Macare     Hotel
  • Vince Manto     Tri-Tip x 1, Turkey x 1, Dinner x 2, Hotel
  • Robert McEwen     Tri-Tip x 1, Turkey x 1, Dinner x 2, Hotel
  • Roy McIntire     Tri-Tip x 2, Dinner x 2, Hotel
  • Dave Mitchell     Tri-Tip x 1, Turkey x 1, Dinner x 2, Hotel
  • Les Munson     Turkey x 2, Dinner x 2, Hotel
  • Scott Norton     Tri-Tip x 1, Dinner x 1, Hotel
  • Terry Nuckels     Tri-Tip x 1, Turkey x 1, Dinner x 2, Hotel
  • Trevor Parret     Tri-Tip x 1, Turkey x 1, Dinner x 2, Hotel
  • Doug Rion    Turkey x 2,
  • Bob Rutledge     Tri-Tip x 1, Turkey x 1
  • Teby Segal     Tri-Tip x 1, Dinner x 1, Hotel
  • Rusty Smith     Turkey x 2, Dinner x 2
  • Dan Stewart     Turkey x 2, Dinner x 2, Hotel
  • Bruce Williams     Turkey x 2, Dinner x 2


Please review and get back to me ASAP.  I'll be on the hook for any food that doesn't get accounted for.

BTW,,,my apologies in advance, but I can't find my correspondence with Bruce & Susan Williams and it appears that they are only doing the cruise and dinner.  Bruce, can you contact me again to confirm?  Thanks!!

Last edited by slofuzz
OCC posted:

Hey guys i normally only use my car on trips around the city, this will be my first long run. Is there any concerns I should have or anything I should be prepared for. One of my friend said maybe the clutch and a belt I should keep a spare on me? Thanks guy! There about 2000 mile on the motor


Throttle cable, clutch cable, fan, belt, couple quarts of oil and a few tools to R & R these  parts. For the rest, AAA card. 


Mitch is correct, but if you can't get Terry Nuckles to be a wing man,  you can always pick up his World Mega Selling Guide Book:

"Road Trip, Don't Trip," A Complete Guide / Checklist of Parts and Pieces That May Fall Off or Malfunction.. (circa 1968)

It's and awesome book!!   Gives you a complete checklist of what spare parts and accessories you might want to bring..  Most have been mentioned...

What everyone failed to mention was, and Dan Stewart will back me up on this, bring stuff to clean your car so it looks good!!!   Even if it does break down, but don't worry it won't!!

Safe Travels....


PS  If you pick up a copy of Terry's book he will sign it for you in SLO, he charges $10, but totally worth it since they are so rare and collectable..

PSS   GERD isn't coming!!



ALB posted:
OCC posted:

where do I get this book

Ok, I'm waiting to see how you guys answer this...

Probably like this:

     During a scheduled lunch stop on his way to the 2016 SLO Cruise Terry Knuckles was recognized by a crowd of loyal fanatics who just finished reading, "Locks of Love/ How I Keep my Hair this Beautiful in a Convertible.........(circa 1969)". He was mobbed while in the restaurant and had to flee quickly. Unfortunately he left behind the only remaining copies of "Road Trip, Don't Trip" that he was signing and inserting 8"X10" full color glossy photos into. Terry was lucky to get out alive and the fanatical fans took the books and signed photos. As a result Terry will not have any books or photos available for purchase or to use as a donation for the raffle.

However, you may stand beside him for digital photos at $15.00 per pose. Photos where he uses a fan to blow his flowing hair back are an extra $5.00. Or we have a family pack available and it's 6 poses, one with the fan, for only $60.00.

Last edited by Robert M



  Sorry Robert  that's not the answer.....

Terry's books are so rare and collectable that they are very hard to find..  Collectors never give them up, and if you do find one grab it!!    I have the complete collection myself and I'd say its worth $30-$40,000 but who really knows.   If your lucky someones mom will donate them to the salvation army or some dimwit will try to sell them on eBay , I often check both places myself...

Just wait until SLO,  buy him a beer at the hotel happy hour, and he will be more than happy to give you excerpts of some of his books.. His knowledge is as vast as that of  Steven Hawking!!! .. If he asks you for a donation for doing so, just chuckle and say:        " Your so funny Terry "

Hell,  last year he totally schooled me on the difference between Green Chile Verde and Red Chili Verde!!!  Even though Verde means Green in Spanish...



ps...   GERD still isn't coming....................   BUT VINCE IS!!!



When I moved to the wilds of southern Washington State I thought I had escaped my collectors addiction.  However, one day this spring I noticed an "estate sale" sign on a winding lonely backroad and stopped just  for a look.  The ramshackle  cottage didn't promise much.  But you never know what odd treasure you might find.  Remember the Mecum Auction when they sold the original Popular Mechanics issue containing his article "Making Money on My Back"?  Anyway, there past the tired sofas, bric-a-brach, old worn out engine parts and beneath the stack of porno mags was an original illustrated copy of "How to get laid while building your Dream Car".  (I think it was the Copper edition but the page was missing)  It was, of course, grease stained or appeared so (I had long since been gloved up just in case) and it was severely dogeared from many years of use.  The copy was beyond acceptable because so many of those memorable illustrations had been removed and other pages were either missing or literally falling out.  Imagine my grief to have found probably the only remaining copy and knowing restoration was out of the question.  It was only fitting to leave it there to its well deserved fate in the dust bin of history on this lonely backroad. 


Last edited by Roy

FYI for anyone who needs to back out from this point forward,,,you'll be on the hook for lunch and dinner costs. 

At this point everything is now finalized and the burden of paying for meals will be on me if you back out.  I understand things happen, but in fairness to myself and the group, any cancellations from this point on will still need to be paid for.



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