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   This years SLO cruise was a blast,  lots of new people, it was exciting to see the group grow.    Can you imagine how cool it would be if ALL of us were able to make it in 2017  WOW!!    

Scott / Marlene,  Thank you again for all your hard work.. It's truly appreciated by all of us for sure!!   That dinner hit the spot ( I'm sure all of the Big Sur Drivers felt the same)

Some notable events:

Perfect California weather!!

Meeting all the new people!!  

Speeding Ticket,  80 in a 65!  Thank you Pat downs for building such an awesome engine!!  By the way Pat,  according to the California Highway Patrol and LYDAR (at 1250 feet away), the speedometer in my car.........  IS.... 100% ACCURATE!!!

The Vince and GERD show!!   as always!!

The Big Sur Ultra Cruise, to quote Markos,  "hey Big Sur is only 20 minutes away," YEAH RIGHT!!! lol  Best drive ever though!!!

Terry Nuckles autograph session.  Totally worth the 4000 I spent at the auction / raffle. And Robert was right,  my collection is now worth between $95-$150 thousand...

Most of all, a BIG thank you to all whom attended.  As always it was a blast!!  For those whom missed this year PLEASE!! try to make it next year!!






Images (6)
  • IMG_4634: Sat morning before the drive
  • IMG_4629: Selfie  with CHP  80 in a 65!!
  • IMG_4631: party time
  • IMG_4656: Our view at lunch!!
  • IMG_4661: big sur ultra cruise!!

Tebs, Terry, Scott, et al, sorry I couldn't make it, but was Teby nailed for speeding or for making one-handed selfies in a cone zone?

The vehicle code is very clear about keeping both hands on the cellphone when making selfies.

Tebs, if only you'd read Terry's 1998 book, Ten Top Tips To Not Get Tagged In Tacoland.

If nothing else, read chapter three: Photographing the Arresting Officer, or I Shot the Sheriff.


Dave (Speedster "D") Galvan posted:

Slo Fuzz hit me up I owe you some money for the missing lunches for Lili and I.. I sent you IM in Face book too...

Dave, Scott's usually off the site until next year. You can email him at hammerinatgmaildotcom or if you have PayPal you can send money to his PayPal account by looking it up with his email address I just posted.

Sorry we missed you, we had a great time.


The answer is NO....  

I started making up guide titles many moons ago as a sarcastic reply...  I just used Terry because if you ever met him he has that sorta professor persona (From Berkeley) and so I made him the author of all the guide books, by the way they are fictional..   If you notice they almost always have something to do with the tile of the topic...

So please don't spin your wheels trying to find them  .. the entire collection is in my possession...  stored away in my brain.. 

Also there are others whom try to pass off titles but those are all, as they say in China,  not authentic!! be aware!!

best regards,



Last edited by Teby S


Carl, on the recent SLO cruise, Teby narrowly escaped doing hard time for exceeding the posted limit and for doing selfies in a cone zone.

He's swung a deal with the San Luis Obispo DA, doing 10 hours a week of community service as Terry Nuckels' literary agent. What this means is he's selling Terry's books out of the back of his Mazda at the Visalia rest stop on Highway 99.

This is hot, sweaty work and he resents any commissions I get for selling Terry's books from the comfort of my air-conditioned Sacramento palazzo.

Since I'm working from my desktop computer, and not out of the back of my car, I can also offer you the Kindle versions of Terry's books for convenient downloading and at very reasonable prices.


Carl Berry CT. posted:

Hey Mitch (and apparently everyone "in the know" except me)

Before I go to the library requesting a copy of How Not to Get Tagged in Tacoland, is Terry really the author of publications with such tongue-in-cheek titles...or is this a public persona that he's been lovingly wrapped up in, and quite often warmly alluded to? 

Actually Carl there is one copy of Terry's books in print. (3 really but I gave one to Terry so he wouldn't sue me for stealing his Intellectual Property off the internet and I kept one for myself)

Here's what happened:

As you know Teby has been making up $hit for a long time. Every now and then he comes up with an absurd name for a book that he attributes to Terry as having written it. It's always circa 19XX and usually in Japanese. Funny stuff.

So earlier in this post one of our newest members Scott aka OCC unknowingly asked about Terry's book  Road Trip/Don't Trip blah blah blah. Those who know of Teby's tomfoolery chuckled under their breaths and Al aka ALB wondered out loud how we were going to answer that question. I proffered an answer that Teby quickly shot down.

Meanwhile Al aka ALB PM'd me and humorously suggested I print one of these books. I set out via the internet and this forum to find photos of Terry and line up someone who'd print a book for me. Alas, on the night of the West Coast Cruise raffle I waited until the end and auctioned off a book allegedly written by Terry entitled Road Trip/Don't Trip. I even coaxed Terry into signing it.

We had a real good laugh. And in the true spirit of humor I auctioned off the book telling everyone it contained everything Terry knew about fixing a Speedster and to the surprise of some, but not others, the pages were blank.



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