Anand, you wannabes are all alike. I don't know who you're trying to fool, but those of us who own replicas can spot the differences from a mile away.
Sure, anyone can just go out and buy a real 356, but you'll never know the pride of ownership and feeling of satisfaction that comes with driving a genuine replica.
Your restoration was a quick transaction and - boom - you're driving down the highway in a P-car. You'll never know the months and years of struggle involved in finding that perfect Chinese repop part or the agony of making it actually work. You'll never taste the tortured angst of making excuses for rattles and clunks, failing electrics, drips and sags in the paint, or bubbles in the chrome.
And while you may convince yourself that your car drives and feels like a genuine replica, in your heart there will always be those lingering doubts.