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This will be the thread to vote for your choice of locations for the 2013 Meet.....

The three locations discussed all have similar amenities within a few bucks one way or the other,

with the primary difference being physical location.....

Due to the absence of many members on this new site, if you know someone who wants

to vote but would rather not come on the site, just let me know who they are and what their vote is....


I am giving everyone till the last day of August to vote, since Teri needs to get our reservations

made as soon as possible....

If you want to check them out, they are listed below, but trust me, the major difference is distance

from wherever you are driving.......They all have places around them for cruises etc...

Depending on location choice, actual date may vary within a week or two due to availability, but we are

still looking at the beginning of June....


1. Marriott...Buellton (Solvang)

2. Embassy Suites....San Luis Obisbo

3. Best Western Cavalier....San Simeon


You are being given plenty of time to plan, so please, no lame a$$ excuses........

"Death in the family" works, "I had to work" is real marginal, "other plans" tells us you don't really care...





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Now I'm kinda a noob here so school me if need be.


Driving my tub the 1 hour from where I purchased it from to my front door was about all I was comfortable doing.  How do you guys drive for more than an hour with the top down?  Do you use ear plugs and go under 70?


Other than the small gas tank, the copious amounts of SPF 50 and inability to hear your passenger, am I just being a bitch?


That being said, ima tail gate Vince the whole way!


Originally Posted by Indetrucks:

Now I'm kinda a noob here so school me if need be.


Driving my tub the 1 hour from where I purchased it from to my front door was about all I was comfortable doing.  How do you guys drive for more than an hour with the top down?  Do you use ear plugs and go under 70?


Other than the small gas tank, the copious amounts of SPF 50 and inability to hear your passenger, am I just being a bitch?


That being said, ima tail gate Vince the whole way!


I don't have a top on the Spyder. Yes, I use Mack's silicon ear plugs (at Walmart) to drown out (mostly) the wind. I don't have a radio in the car because it would be drowned out by the wind noise.


As for speed, the car likes to travel between 70 and 75. It would love to climb to over the ton mark, but it's really not safe to pass slower drivers at that speed. Kind of makes their heads snap around; not really an excuse since the car makes their heads snap even at low speeds.


The biggest problem is with looky-loo drivers pulling along side and distracting you with inane questions, such as "Was that James Dean's car?" I am always polite and just give them a nod. Also, watch for tailgaters and defensively drive the car as you would ride a motorcycle by assuming that they won't see you.


Yeah, and slather on the sunscreen. I carry along a small black bag with chapstick, sunscreen, cold-weather gloves, band-aids, extra ear plugs, a jack-knife and a lightweight jacket. I keep a small took kit in the front of the car, along with an extra key. The second license plate, insurance and reg papers are in an envelope under the front seat. In almost five years of ownership, I have never been stopped by the CHP for not having a front plate.


I sometimes wear a "Buff" neck gaiter around my neck. You can buy Buffs directly from them or get them on Amazon. Keeps the neck warm and gives sun protection. In the winter I like to wear a billed cap made of a tight-knit fleece. Bicycle shops carry them.

One more thing: give yourself plenty of room between you and the vehicle in front of you when driving freeways---especially the interstates such as Hwy 5 in California. There always seems to be rubber truck tire parts (called "alligators") on the road. If you hit one of these in the low-slung Speedsters or Spyders, you might well have a problem. 



Last edited by Barry S (Goofycat)
Originally Posted by Indetrucks:

Now I'm kinda a noob here so school me if need be.


"Driving my tub the 1 hour from where I purchased it from to my front door was about all I was comfortable doing."



Driving these cars replicates the experience of driving an open car in the 50s, so it sounds like you didn't enjoy that experience.

If you were only able to handle one hour of driving, you may be one of the short term owners who sell their car after only having put a few hundred or thousand miles on it.  Happens all the time.  People don't understand what they are signing up for when they buy one of these cars.

I find I can handle up to 6 hours behind my IM's wheel in one day's driving.  I love the driving position, and really like the custom seats Henry made for me. 

That's with the top down. 

I hate driving my car with the top up.  Super noisy.

I have a stereo, but only use it when I'm tooling around town.  I find I really have to crank up the volume to be able to hear the (distorted) music while driving on the highway.  Instead, I use my ipod and ear buds.  I know it's illegal almost everywhere, but I keep the music low and can still hear most of what's going on around me.  I also have an expensive pair of ear plugs that cancel a lot of wind/engine noise.

Driving a long distance, on a hot day without earplugs, can be VERY tiring.



Ron--those ear buds are legal in many states.  Plus they are small and almost invisible!


Vince--any chance of adding something on the coast as a venue?  Otherwise I'm good with wherever gets the most votes. 


Top up or top down?  We are always top up when on the road.  Quieter, more comfortable and we need the place where the top goes when it's down for luggage.  400-500 mile days are doable but you gotta have a great traveling partner like I do!

Last edited by Jack Crosby
Originally Posted by Wilderless:


That's where I'm at with the voting.  haha


The shaking above 70mph is what bothered me the most, I'll have to get that sorted before I go on any sorta long road trips that's for sure (likely balancing).


And as far as Troy's comment about my ownership longevity.. I have owned countless custom/vintage/cool cars and only a couple have stuck around for more than 5 years.  I go through em like women go through shoes...


We'll see if the Tub lives as long as the other favorites.  So far, it's right up there in my top 5 classics owned so there is a good chance

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