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I called Gerd and Mary called Vince. Neither turned up or returned calls?? Slackards!!!
I was a fantastic day at the beach! I drove from Seal beach to past Laguna and then back to Sunset Beach where I met up with Mary and Kirk.
Thank you Mary and Kirk I had a great time, great place on the water!
Hello West Coast Riders!! Good news the road is open!!! There were several crews working so I got escorted twice. Once past the Mt Wilson the speed limit is 55 and lots of fun. I went all the way to the second ski resort. It was a little cold, never needed my jacket.
Newcomb's is the same as always except they are running on a generator. The menu is smaller due to food storage, but still have a great burger.
There were several bikers up there for a Wednesday. Even a guy on a vintage Enfield!
I am up for it any time. From La Canada its about 40 fun miles each way.


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Reminds me of a business trip I took once, landing in LAX the day before, headed for China Lake. Took the road up the San Gabriels outside of Pasadena, w/ aim of seeing the sights. It was March, very pleasant in LA basin. A rare bright, crystal clear day. Got a very good ways down the ridge road heading north-ish, w/ aim of dropping down the ridge to the east when I got more or less even w/ China Lake. All the signs at the base of the mtn before I got going said "Open" I should have taken note when we passed the first ski slope and folks were having a very good time there. Eventually I saw lots of snow at side of raod, and it was getting late in the day, rain started, mixed w/ snow. Arrived at some town -- name not recalled -- where the road simply stopped where the plows had stopped all winter long. There was a sheer wall of snow at least ten feet high blocking the intersection. I had just spent the last couple of hours traveling down a dead end road. I was truly annoyed. Had to turn around and go back quite a ways until I could find my way off the mountain and down into the valley and thence to China Lake. Some fun . . . in a rental car . . . with my boss . . .
Kelly, sounds like you may have made it all the way to Wrightwood??
In the winters they used to close the road about 1/4 mile past the 2nd ski resort. Last Wednesday the road past Snow Crest was covered with gravel so I turned back and went for a beer. I met some people who said the road is closed at the 39 junction past the tunnel.
If you initially took Angelus Crest Hwy, then you were totally going the wrong way. Sounds like you went through Pasadena and eventually went north on the I-15 and instead of taking highway 395 north to China Lake which is close to Ridgecreast and about 100 miles east of Bakersfield, you took Highway 138 west into the San Gabriel Mountains
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