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I have been reading all the information from this site for the last few months. I have to admit I have learned much and also appreciate the humor.

Anyways, I am now planning to start looking for a Speedster. I wanted to know what you guys, and gals thought of this one on Ebay. I am in no hurry, but if a great opportunity come along I'm ready. I plan on coming to the Knotts Berry event in 2005. I thought that would be a great place to see lots of cars.

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I have been reading all the information from this site for the last few months. I have to admit I have learned much and also appreciate the humor.

Anyways, I am now planning to start looking for a Speedster. I wanted to know what you guys, and gals thought of this one on Ebay. I am in no hurry, but if a great opportunity come along I'm ready. I plan on coming to the Knotts Berry event in 2005. I thought that would be a great place to see lots of cars.

If "Great Opportunity" means price, then this one is what I think
already at the high end with 3 days left for a 2+ year old car.
Plus you need to get it to Arizona....I have purchased 3 cars on
Ebay including my speedster, but it was a local buy and I got to see
it prior to bidding. Its always better to see the car in person,
especially when your talking 15 large......
My opinion is pass......Get a western car that you can see and drive.
Nice looking classic. He didn't say it was a Vintage Speedster or what. It does have many options including the Nardi wheel with porsche button, bumper guards and the luggage rack. I agree that at $15 K, it is starting to approaching it's value... Although if this is a Vintage Speedster with just 1100 miles it is probably easily worth $18. Especially since it has the 1776 motor (I assume that's what he meant instead of 1750.) It appears to have dual webers. Probably 40s, so that's a plus. Hey, IMO, if a guy could buy a VS equipped this way, with just 1100 miles on it for like $18, it would be a good deal. If it is a CMC, finished in 2002 and equipped this way, then $15 is where it should be unless the builder was very experienced and the fit and finish reflected that. The condition would need to be excellent, and the 1100 miles should refelct that. Hey by the time I get one done they have 1100 miles on them 8).

Not a bad looking car, think it is a Vintage Speedster. He says the dark Blue is a 58 color, don't know if that is correct or not. Vince is right about looking for a car you won't have to have transported 1500 miles, probably at least $1200 in a covered trailer. As for the stereo and CD, well maybe. My opinion is that you'd seldom use it since the car is rather noisy and the motor noises are better. There are a couple of resellers in the Phoenix,Tuscon area. Their cars are on E Bay all the time. Have you gone down there and driven one to see if you like it and fit OK? I guess I wouldn't buy one from there as you could do better at either Vintage or JPS pricewise for a new one. By the way, JPS had a nearly new JPS with a 2110 for sale a couple of weekls ago. Call John up and see if it is still around. He or Kirk might know of others.

Looking forward to seeing you at Knotts in the spring.

Hey Mary,
While there is no substitute for seeing & driving the car first hand, and/or having a mechanic check it out first, unless there are serious miles on it, not much can be is a VW.

Having said that there are a lot of quality control gremlins that can raise their pesty little heads, mostly to do with switches, wiring and being under-fused. Those have been the cheapest of the fixes I have done to my Vintage speedster...a year old or more when I bought it, not optioned up as much as the one on eBay you've pointed out...and I paid $17,500.

I don't know where some of the boyzzz get their idea of pricing, but were you to buy new, you'd spend $24K plus I imagine. Vintage, with all its flaws and warts builds the most replicas and the chances of getting a real lemon is slim IMHO. If you really covet a speedster replica, and plan to drive it at least two to three years, I'd guesstimate $20K-21K would be a value and a miles per dollar smile factor you could live with...

There are few, if any changes in manufacturing from year to year, the biggest bug-a-boo is who built his engine. Ask the seller for delivery date details and then call Kirk and tell him you are looking at a year young resale. Ask for the engine's history and ask because the car is still so near new, what sort of support he can offer you...He has been very good to many of the owners on this site, in fact, the three main car builders seem to go out of their way to be helpful...and that's not to knock the guys who have entered and re-entered the biz lately, it's just that they haven't got as much product on the ground.

Good luck
I would have a pro look at the car for you or don't buy it. I honestly see a lot of digital editing in several of the pictures which makes me a bit leary. I also think that the oil filler tube is pretty messy for a car with only 1100 miles on it. Maybe they were just carless putting in oil, and maybe it just has more miles on it then it says. A pro VW mechanic could look at this car for one hour and give you a lot better idea of how good or bad it is. Breaks, engine compression test, and overall condition report is what you need to bid on this one. JMHO
Thanks for all your good suggestions. I did notice that he refered to a 1750cc engine instead of 1766. I agree that it's better to look and drive a car before buying. Since I'm so close to Southern California I'll probably take a trip over to see some of the builders.

As time goes on I'll have more questions. I hope to be listed as a new Speedster owner sometime in 2005. Again, thanks guys.
I live in Clarkston and have built my own speedster replica. I could go take a look if you or anyone else is interested. Just let me know where I'm going. I think that car is in a subdivision where the houses are priced at a million plus so the guy probably has some cash. Let me know.

Well that was the other interesting thing about the picture......if the area he took the pictures in is where he lives WOW. When I went to get my car the previous owners "summer" home was worth 3 million. My poor little speedster was sitting out with a cover on it because this was the cheapest car he owned.
HI Mary,

I was looking at a Vintage Speedster on this Forum of Ron Ellman's before I decided to go the IM Speedster new build route. Ron's Listing is in this section on a posting date in early September of this year (I think). Ron's Email address is and you can get to the pictures of the car and the specs through his for sale posting on these threads or through his registry. You can get to the registry listing and pictures by clicking on the registry header, then clicking on the "Sort by Manufacturer" button below the Manufacturer header and then go to the last page listing. Ron's car is there.

He is asking more as a strating price than the Ebay car, but I think he is a lot closer and what you would be buying a much more sure thing. Besides, you could drive it home from Whittier CA!

Good Luck,

Bill Steele
Hey Patrick thanks for the offer to take a look at the car for me. I don't think I'm going to bid on it. I just started looking and well you know the fun is in the discovery. So, I want to look at a few before I go ahead. I need to drive a few so I can get a feel for what I want. Also, the size of the engine is important to me. I think I might want roll up windows and I believe only IM makes a car that way.


DO continue to look around at lots of cars before you make the plunge. That way you'll know what you really want.

DO wait until next April and make the trip to LA and the Knott's Farm meet - Last April they had 40 or so Speedsters there, from ALL the major manufacturers, including us true kit guys (CMC, Street Beasts, Early VS) as well as the turn-key cars. This year should have many more.

You might even find a really decent car for sale at Knott's AND have a bunch of us SOC members there to offer advice on the quality/value of it and what it's REALLY worth.

Why worry about buying a headache when you could get personalized advice from us veteran owners and get what you really want?

solamente mi dos centavos......

One of the "Speedstah Guys" from Rhode Island
BTW: I helped install all of those Hamilton Test Systems DMV vehicle inspection stations for you guys in Arizona....sorry if your car doesn't pass....


Images (1)
  • Me and Pearl

Do I walk to school or take my lunch?

If you're asking if I am driving to Knott's next year, probably not, unless I get challenged by Jim-Bob Ward or something (Jim: could I get the distance award for coming in from Rhode Island??). But having re-read my earlier post, I guess one could interpret that I might be going. I would LIKE to go to Knotts, just don't think it'll happen....Besides, turnpike driving in my Speedster for more than a few hours gives me a headache unless I take lots of drugs...and then I don't remember why I'm there..................Listening to Patsy Cline usually brings me back, though...


Put on the Patsy Cline, bring the meds, some Tylenol and do the I-40 thing to OKC, then the RTE 66/ I 40 to I 15, go south to the (91 or 92?) go west to Beach (?), turn under the overpass, first motel on the right, go to the back, and find a space in the line-up.. and collect the Trophy! Rick Davis won it outright last year, but I'm sure he, and all of us would be proud to see you get it.

If you do it, we will take the desert route on old 66 back... it's worth the trip. That whole road is Route 66 retro back to the 50s and 60s. Also, the photo op at Winslow (standin' on the corner in Winslow AZ!) is priceless. Oh, and Bike Week is happening that weekend and the road is full of riders with their riderttes showin' their stuff.... you will forget about your headache after 300-400 miles of Hooterettes.

I can't wait until Knott's. Gordon you need to go. Your car looks great and that Hawaiian shirt adds something to the whole look of your car. I just sent away for the brochure from IM. So the fun begins. I have only seen one Speedster in Tucson. It was Ivory and to these untrained eyes my guess it was a replica.

Hi Mary...

According to the registry on this site, there are a bunch of folks out there between Tucson and Phoenix/Scottsdale. Go up to "settings" and make sure you've entered your zip code, then go to the registry and see who shows up (it sorts by zip codes closest to you and then fans out). You can then contact them either via posts or via email to see if you can hook up.

From the registry:

Tom Steel Read Detail
2003 CMC 1959 Speedster 5
19 Miles

Nic Rupert Read Detail
1989 Other/Unknown 1955 Flared Speedster 9.5
88 Miles

Robert Dye Read Detail
?? CMC 1957 Speedster 7
91 Miles

Chuck Simpson Read Detail
2004 Vintage Speedsters 1957 Speedster 10
113 Miles

Kevin McCaw Read Detail
1999 Vintage Speedsters 1957 Speedster 8
120 Miles

Good luck!

The shirt's a Tori Richards. He also did a cool, pink, 1959 Cadillac convertible set in front of his house in Hawaii - I have that one, too, but wish he had done a Speedster - now, THAT would look cool!



Reyn Spooner, Hawaiian Shirt designer of some fame, did a great one a few years back featuring VW Vans, Beetles, and a black Speedster! I think it was known as the "air-cooled" design. Many of us SOC'ers have been trolling Ebay, trying to spot the very rare appearence of one of these shirts...and Bill George actually has one! They are cool, indeed.

Hey, John...

Yup, I've seen that one a few times - there were at least a couple trolling around Carlisle. Reyn Spooner has done some marvelous shirts over the years, and I have one or two of them.

The Caddy shirt I have was purported to be a "limited run", whatever that means, but I've never seen another one and I wore it into "Hula Heaven" in Kona once and the store ladies freaked out. I'll try to take a picture and post it, 'cause that Caddy is BIG and on both front and back.

Jim: You've got me thinking, but I would have to get to I-80 out to the mid-west somewhere and THEN get the I-40 for the rest of the trip. Think it's possible to do a grand a day if I extend the hours a bit and plan my way through metro centers to avoid traffic that would slow me down? That might be pushin' a 2110 to run at 4K+ for that many hours per day, but it might just be OK.......Me, though....that's another thing - need some big ol' noise-cancelling earmuffs. And gas...8 gallon tank means lots of stops at 220 miles between (guess I won't be getting too stiff from riding and I'll have lots of opportunities to buy Jerky and Pork Rinds).'d be cool as hell, wouldn't it?

Jim Least Heat Ward,

You are indeed a poet for the road. Got me all reved up for the Knotts trip already. Had my Speedy out this afternoon for a run to keep the battery charged and my spirits tickled. Was a beautiful day here today so we have to take advantage!

Sure hope you have the new wheels ready for Knotts. I know Henry will do his best to let you show them off. My goal this year is to make the show field! That will be my victory!

Happy Trails, Bruce

I'd recommend it to anyone. It's just good for the soul to take a small risk and make the trip that many of us dream about. Route 66 baby!

I started out with a plan to stay at or below 3500 RPMs, but I found that the high desert in April has the right air temp (and lack of humidity) that just makes a Type-1 sing at 38-4200. You will go uphill to around 1600' ASL in Oklahoma... but at Flagstaff I think it's around 8000' ASL. The climb through Texas and New Mexico is gradual except for the pass at ABQ. The air temp is right, even at mid afternoon to push it a little harder. Out of Flagstaff it's a wild downhill-uphill run with long sweepers and 50-80 mile vistas.. and then it flattens out in the Colorado River Valley. There is a section of old 66 that does a northwest-southwest dogleg about 40 miles out of Flagstaff. Driving straight through it takes 4 hours vs. 1 hour on I-40. It took me about 6 hours, because I stopped at some old shops and took it all in. It ends up coming through Kingman AZ's main drag. From Kingman it's more Mojave desert up to Needles and beyond. The climb from Needles is long and the afternoon temps can be a little higher. I hit the top of the pass above LA on I-15 (I-40 ends with a southbound sweep towards San Diego) around 10pm and made a downhill run in the center lane, half blind with the top up and luggage rack blinding the rearview. Lane Changing was a gut check at 80-90 Mph (trying to NOT get run over in the dark). Next time I do it I will pull the luggage down and toss it in the passenger seat with the other gear for this leg, and I might pull the top down too.

Anyway... for me it was an excercise in freedom after the transplant and being tied close to home during that period of life. I'd do it again... and I'll be better prepared.

The ride through the High desert in Spring is an experience. Coming accross the flats in eastern New Mexico you smell the fresh sage and have a vista of the Mountains all the way to Santa Fe and beyond. In the Mojave, the cacti were in red bloom and it was just a cool assed trip. On another trip, my wife and I were ripping through the desert at night in her TLS.... it was a night about 2 years ago and there was a full Lunar eclipse.... we were taking a back highway for jollys and so there was zero ground lights... we put on Dark Side Of The Moon, slowed to a crawl, opened the sunroof and took turns standing up through the roof and taking it all in.... the trip is worth it.

Your 2110 will do fine... and 170 mile runs with your 8 Gallon tank will work out fine. Coming back this year I hope to make it a 4 day trip RTH... allowing for a north Rim Grand Canyon stay and a trip though Monument Valley and 4 corners.

Hope you do it! I'll never forget you and Chris being my Guardians'! Maybe this time we can make that 1500-1600 (or! 2000 with side trips) mile trek in tandem.


That Pink Cadillac Hawaiian shirt is "totally bitchin'," as we used to say in Malibu (actually I still say it, but in my best Jeff Spicoli voice, Dude).
Listen, if you want to come to Knotts, but aren't up for the coast-to-coast, air-cooled quest in your Speedster, why not just hop a plane and make the scene anyway? There'll be plenty of right-seat opportunities, friendly fellowship, and cold brewskis. And let's not forget Mrs. Knott's chicken dinner on Saturday night. I know I can't forget it...try as I might.
Seriously, we'd love to welcome you and any other East Coasters to Knotts. You don't need to bring your car to be a star in Hollywood!

Ok, I'm thinkin, but I have to get through the Winter and have some more miles on it before I haul-ass for that many hours per day. Closest we've gotten to the desert in Spring was the run from Scottsdale to both Sedona and the South Rim of the Grand Canyon in early May, and THAT was a trip! Every hour or so you head up the next Mesa and the whole climate around you would change........

Alan: Been a lot of years since I was pushing an 18 wheeler - drove a Diamond Reo when in college hauling freight into Massachusetts from Maine and Quebec. Big Cat engine and a Fuller 10-speed crash-box, but I tamed it...worked a regular week AND went to school full time. Ahhh! to be young and invincible again!

John: yup, it's a Bitchin shirt. Prob'ly fit right in a Knotts......geez......'be a hell of a trip, wouldn't it? Anyway, it'll give me something to think about this Winter.

See ya, guys....

Gordon, if you are serious about a trip to Knotts and are leaving from Pawt Roll rather than R.I. perhaps you could use my home as your first waypoint. Keep talking it up and perhaps I'll get so excited that I'll want to go in tandem to OKC to hook up with Jim Bob to complete the trip. Something Jim said about taking a little risk is what got me thinking about it......again. Will the California boys still provide a guest appearence by Joy Harmon like they did last year? Just kidding
Time & Distance is nothin' to be sneezed at, but you East Coasters get your fannies out here, we'll get hers ( or a reasonable facsimile) there to meet ya'...I love event planning!

Sort of wish I had to drive wait that ten hour ride home was nothin' I'd wish on anyone!

Jim, in your post there was some 'do-over' talk regarding luggage, luggage rack, and visibility....does that mean you'll be in your current speedy or ???
Couldn't sleep last night, so I was surfin and found a newsletter on the NE Type 356 web site about four guys who drove their real 356's from metro Boston to the 356 50'th hoe-down at Pebble Beach last year - I'll find the URL and post it here. Sure did a lot to make me think that if THEY can do this in their antiques, I (we) should certainly be able to make the trip in our much newer irons!

Lets keep this idea rolling.........

One of the Nomadic Speedstah Guys in Rhode Island
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