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I know its a love it or hate it, but ever since I saw this color combo I was in love. The dark brown interior with this almost butterscotch exterior:

Is there a paint code or name for this color? I think its a original speedster color?

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I know its a love it or hate it, but ever since I saw this color combo I was in love. The dark brown interior with this almost butterscotch exterior:

Is there a paint code or name for this color? I think its a original speedster color?


The color as it appears is very interesting and, if you could create that color on a speedster, it would be very pretty.

I looked on the site and at this link: the color is listed as Champagne.

There is an original Porsche color, Champange YELLOW, but I am not sure if it is an original speedster color.

When I first looked at your picture I was thinking it might be a light (or faded) champange yellow that was "changed" by the lighing and the exposure.

If you look at the other photos on the link, the same car appears to be white.

I would guess that the color is similar to the color of champagne, pour some into a glass and take a look, with the light just right it could look like the car in the photo.
Thanks Dale
I also noticed it was white in other pics. Kind of like a pearl white with a slight brown tinge. I know I dont want yellow. Maybe I can find a brown that color. I prefer that brownish color over the yellow or white. More like butterscotch to me.

Thanks for the info! and liking that combo also!
FWIW -- not much --

I owned a B Coupe that was "white", but it was a creamy white, not glacial white, as can be had. When polished up, it looked very nice, must have had just a touch of yellow in there. Seems to me Chrysler is using something very similar these days in the cars, PT Cruisers especially. Go take a look in their show room. What I am thinking of here is like a cream color, and is defintley not brown.
If you can not find the Glasur color codes for Champane yellow. I know for fact that GM 1979 Yellow/ Beige is very very close.

Porsche had peanut beige but its almost a cream coffey color. YUCK at least the yellow beige looks period on the car . I'd bet the car color you want is 704 (Reuther) Ivory a 58 color. Please chime in Dale and corect me if Im wrong. There are 2 other possibilities . 56 606 Sahara beige which i think would be way to dark, or 64 Togo brown


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