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I've tried, but I can't get past the 10 gauge VDO cluster in my car. I'm going to glass up the dash, cut out the dash for the 3 gauge set and call it quits for a while on major mods. I see that you can get an assortment of different combinations. Which combo would you get ? The 904 combi is kinda cool looking.
1956 CMC(Speedster)
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I like mine- modified by North Hollywood Speedometer. I have no gas gauge-- I monitor my tripodometer, and had the stock gas tank sendor modified to trip a "low fuel" amber light. It works perfectly. I have no extra holes, and can monitor my oil temperature and pressure (you know, the stuff that really matters) at a glance.


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  • brasilcombo
What Barne said X2.

My CHT saved my engine heading East out of Bakersfield up a steep mountain. All of a sudden the CHT started climbing quickly---I knew something was in my fan. I found half a paper towel that caused the loss of cooling. I credit my stupidity for leaving the paper in the engine bay and the CHT for saving me from a melt down!

The oil temp is not going to respond quickly enough to bail you out while the CHT is prety instant.

Get CHT and Oil temp. Westach instruments are highly rated.

Get the 2C1 CHT and the 2C9-2 OT.

Good luck!
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