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Last weekend I pulled off the grille, scraped and repainted the inner portion of the lid under the grille. It had pealing black paint and looked bad, I used high temp paint. Cleaned up the grille and installed a badge while I was at it.

Drove the speedy last night to get some yogurt, summer here. And its Fri now so taking the little car to work today.

Yesterday, I drove my Cabrio to a men's club breakfast at the church on a somewhat chilly morning. I had the heat on with the top down. After breakfast and during the cleanup, a youngish, 30-something blond woman asked if I was "Mr. John" and told me how beautiful my car was. She also asked when I would take her for a ride ???!!! Chick magnet???

Today, I am taking a drive with the village car club to a Tennessee Smokeys baseball game complete with burgers, dogs and all the trimmings. Oh, and there is fireworks after the game. Pretty neat.

Monday, I am driving over to SAS to meet up with Paul Robbins and Nolan Scott for a get-together and lunch. Both of these fellows are traveling from great distances, left coast and Florida respectively, to check on the progress of their rides. Paul is getting close to "out the door" on his Speedie. Should be fun and Hunter's Grill always has good lunchtime fare.

I went out last Friday with a small group from the TYP356NE club, for a ride through the back roads and along the coast of Rhode Island and Northeastern Connecticut (Mystic Seaport). The ride was HOT, HOT, HOT!!! A local radio station told us it was 97 in Providence, and somewhat hotter inland. Not bad when moving, but whenever you stopped, or slowed significantly through a village, it was beastly.

We ended up with 7 cars, including a new Cayman, a 997 Turbo, an older 911, a 356 B, two Speedsters (one steel) and a 356 coupe (steel). Nice group, and we stopped at one of those touristie clam shacks for lunch.
Tuesday I drove 140 mies RT to play golf with non-car guys at The Ridge in Auburn, CA. Yesterday, I "speedy'd" to Grass Valley in the CA Gold Country to have lunch with Terry Nuckels and meet with a guy about changing my exhaust to something different. Hot trip, 180 miles at 96*-98*. Today I have to take a leaking tire into the shop for repair.

Great Lunch, not so great golf......Thanks, Terry.
Just got it delivered two days ago and took off all the chrome so I can work on the paint. Met a female "peace officer" from San Diego at my house to show her and confirm the VIN with her. If you cannot get an out of state car to DMV or AAA within a week, you are now required to have a "peace officer" sign off the VIN and mileage confirmation. Cops sure got better looking than they used to be. Can't continue this weekend since I am on the way the D.C. for business all next week but I really want to work on the car.
At the risk of sounding ridiculous; today I DREAMT of hitting the open road in my Aquamarine Blue SAS Cabrio and driving some of the winding twisty roads in western Rhode Island. A perfect, mid 80s, low humidity, blue sky day here. Just right for a top-down ride in my non-existant car. If dreams keep one alive (and especially Porsche dreams), I'll live 'til I'm 100.
Went south toward Atlanta today....Hwy. 13/23....Just north of Flowery Branch, I passed the Falcons training facility, and the AROMA!!!!! would knock you down.....But wait, the smell is Spearment...Oh. Yeah... The largest of the Wriggley's Gum plants resides next door.....Hmmmmm....Now the Falcons can blame Wriggleys for gumming up the works....;-)
UPDATE: Drove the car to lunch just a while ago. We had a big group lunch because it was the last day for a couple of college-age interns. One of them, a very pretty 20-ish young lady wanted to ride with me. I hadn't even left the parking lot at work before the jibes about "Sugar Daddy", "robbing the cradle", "You should be ashamed", etc. started. My favorite was when one guy said "I TOLD you that thing was a chick magnet." YES!!!!!
I drove to work the last two days. 56 degrees here this AM., making a nice crisp morning drive. The heat backed down to 82 this afternoon...perfect!
Oh yeah, I returned to my car from the grocery store to find an Alfa Conv. parked next to Blackie. As I was buckling up, the sweeeeet looking owner of said Alfa returned to her car. As she got to her door, she looked over, tipped her sunglasses and said I REALLY like your car.
I replied thanx yours are nice too!


Wednesday drove the Wife to an ice cream place after dinner----sweet!
a parade of gawkers looking at the car while we're watching from inside the ice cream place.

Last night drove to downtown for a great dinner---a favorite place made favorite by being able to see my car while I eat. A group was taking photos with my car as a backdrop.

Tomorrow I'm pulling the inop tach and shipping it off to CA for a rebuild.

Some morning next week (early) I'll change the oil and adjust the valves.

Is life good or what! Is it better because of Speedsters--oh yeah!----Jack
Tonight Debbie and I drove out to Escondido to a car show. Saw Larry Bull styling down the street. We had the usual "Love your car!" comments from 70 plus year old woman, some middle aged men and women, and also from a pre-ten boy and girl. After owning this car for a year, I have concluded that there is no other car that has such a universal appeal over the age, gender, and economic range. I don't mean my car , but the Speedster 356 in general.Between myself and a couple of buddies from way back, we have owned some really different, cool cars. Convertibles,a chopped 56 Buick wagon, 4 different Woodies, Jag XKE convert. just to name a few. The Speedster gets more thumbs up and actual yelling "It's beautiful!" "I love your car!" by a factor of 10 than any other car I have been involved with. I love it! And I changed the oil and adjusted the Webers last weekend. That was fun too.
Just took a nice 13 mile drive to the office(back roads of course). 80 degrees and low humidity. A few nice smiles from some Corvette guys and a few compliments when at the gas station filling up. I came to work to get some accounting done, but now that I am here I may just take off and hit the roads. There is always Monday to go back to the Grind.

Marty G.


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The men and women of Quint 4 (kind of like a ladder truck) and Paramedic 4 came to assist my neighbor with some medical problems Thursday.
The guy who got out of the driver's seat on the truck was one of the guys who came out two years ago to flip the chassis over for finish-welding. Tim hadn't seen the car since it was bare metal, and he asked me to uncover it so he could see the finished product.
I did, then he asked if it still had a Volkswagen engine. I just laughed -- then I ran that 2424 up and banged it off the rev limiter for a minute.
He wants to borrow it for the rest of the summer.


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  • quint and hoopty
No Speedy yet, soon to change though. I am packing for my flight to Sunny San Diego. 9 Days of sun and fun in a speedster up the coast of California and back. Its all starting to sink in, crazy. My firm has an office in San Diego. Good thing, I have a feeling I am not going to want to leave.
Cant wait to be able to swap stories with everyone.
Oh, and please disregard the chrome tin in the last pic, that WILL be changed out!!



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Yesterday morning I swapped in a new steering coupler, greased the beam and snugged up the front bearings. Gave a tug on the pitman arm bolt as well and did a nut and bolt on the front end.

Checked out some shifter noise I've been having and found a worn bushing that's gonna have to be replaced in the near future.

Cruised to a local eatery around 6 for dinner with friends.
Usually a lot of Yups show up with their Harleys there nightly.
We started talking about Blackie and I stated that if she was parked out front with the bikes, all eyes would be on her.
Lo and behold, we headed out for the rear lot, only to find a small crowd formed back there....right behind Blackie.
Got the usual "nice car" from most, but there is always one jerk who has to play the "kit" card. He said he thinks it's a kit but couldn't tell until I fired her up. I said if you can't tell by just looking ya got a lot to learn. Cruised the Hbg. circuit for awhile and did a moonlight ride, the long way home. Really nice night along the river.

Summer weather allows driving the IM Roadster to work at least once per week. Best weekend workout is taking the old road (US 23) from Jonesborough across Sam's Gap to Asheville. Now that I 26 is open, rarely see more than 1-2 cars on weekend mornings, and full of twisties, descents & ascents.
I talked Chrissa into dropping the top and driving down to Ocean Beach yesterday late afternoon a short freeway cruise, of course we did a surf check and went to Nati's Mexican restaurant near the OB Pier, a fixture in OB since 1960. If fact in 61 and 62' when I played little league Nati's was the sponsor for our team!

Have been going there for 48 years, yikes! Best Mexican food in OB and has its own parking lot and a very nice patio and dining areas. Great midway lunch location for a Speedster cruse (hint hint) in San Diego.

Any takers?

ComicCon has not really affected traffic this weekend, maybe parking in the downtown area. But I did see some Imperial stormtroopers and a Klingon princess in Mission Valley and headed for the trolley to get downtown.


Yesterday, Jen and I went for a nice late afternoon cruise. Got 2 thumbs up and three "nice car man" all while underway, through lights, etc. Drove for about two hours, all two lane twisty stuff where possible.

Before we went out, I adjusted the carbs, all screws went back where they were, it was already perfect. Nothing to do except drive, such a problem!

Went to breakfast this morning, before the rain, had a nice morning drive. We had a great weekend.
Cruised down the hill to the Cars & Coffee meet this past Saturday. Beautiful morning with an especially good turn-out. Lamborghini was the Marquee Car that day with the usual turnout of 50 or so Lamboghinis of various models.

It was the usual gathering of very exotic euro-cars, hot rods, muscle cars, whatever - but the highlight was a VERY rare 1950 Ferrari Barchetta.

Mickey, I thought you would enjoy these pics...


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  • Front quarter
  • Interior
  • Engine side
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