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My speedometer cable intermittently (especially in cold weather) goes berserk with increasing frequency. I may be wrong, but I feel that the problem lies within the cable itself, in that if it is like any of the motorcycles I have owned, it requires lubrication periodically. The bike catalogs advertise a gizmo that attaches to the cable, allowing a special cable spray lube to be injected into the cable. I have never used or seen this apparatus and wonder if any of you are familiar with it, or have any better suggestions as to how to lube the cable, and which lube to use. The thing starts screaming for a few seconds, then quiets down for several minutes (between 2000 and 3000 rpm), then starts acting out again.

I know I would have to unscrew the cable from the speedometer housing (should be easy), but, then what? If lubrication is out of the question, is it a particularly a big hassle to replace the cable? If it needs replacing, where is the best source for a new cable? Or, let me know if I am the wrong track entirely and should consider a new speedometer.



Former owner Vintage Suby Spyder

1967 Chevy C10 pickup

'38 Chevy coupe; Corvette LS-6 engine; 6-speed Tremec transmission, plus other goodies

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My speedometer cable intermittently (especially in cold weather) goes berserk with increasing frequency. I may be wrong, but I feel that the problem lies within the cable itself, in that if it is like any of the motorcycles I have owned, it requires lubrication periodically. The bike catalogs advertise a gizmo that attaches to the cable, allowing a special cable spray lube to be injected into the cable. I have never used or seen this apparatus and wonder if any of you are familiar with it, or have any better suggestions as to how to lube the cable, and which lube to use. The thing starts screaming for a few seconds, then quiets down for several minutes (between 2000 and 3000 rpm), then starts acting out again.

I know I would have to unscrew the cable from the speedometer housing (should be easy), but, then what? If lubrication is out of the question, is it a particularly a big hassle to replace the cable? If it needs replacing, where is the best source for a new cable? Or, let me know if I am the wrong track entirely and should consider a new speedometer.

It should be bascially the same on the Speedster as the Cycle. In some past cars I've encountered the same problem. As you say, unscrew the cable from the Speedo head and spray or squeeze some lubticant in the cable. I think they have a graphite based lubricant that seems to work OK. If you go along without lubricating, you may break the cable. Most auto parts stores should carry this stuff. Try it before buying a new cable.
Having owned motorcycles for 35 years and having all ready broken one speedo cable in my speedster(not from lack of lubrication), I can offer that most modern motorcycle cables are no longer lubricated. They seem to be sealed with a teflon lining. That said, I used to lube the older type "open" cables every week. The lube was called "molibdenum disulfide (sp?)", more commonlly called moly disulfide. It used to available from bike shops, but I haven't seen any in quite a few years. It was in a liquid form, you shook it and then applied it directly down the cable using a long hyperdermic type needle that came with the liquid.
The last speedster cable I replaced (six months ago) was a sealed unit, with no method of accessing the inner cable. The good news is the whole cable assembly only cost about $14.
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