First off,
200HP today isn't hard to achieve and doing so reliably only takes a tad more effort and expense than doing it the wrong way..
There are many ways you can attain 200HP, but one must remember that peak HP numbers are only effective for bragging rights and the average HP of the engine is what separates the men from the boys as its harder to create, but offers benefits that you'll se EVERY time you drive the car, peak numbers are only seen 5% of the time at maximum- so don't even worry about them unless you have a small penis and need to feel more like a man by bragging about peak power!!!
That being said, most every engine we build today is near or just over 200HP, most of these are built from the same displacements that we have used for years and through development have taken from just over 140HP to 195HP in the past 7 years and have increased reliability and longevity along with power, thus creating the perfect engine program.
Remember that EVERY component within the engine combination and every sub system of the engine will effect your experience with it and how it functions.
BTW_ The capabilities of the TIV engine above are being SERIOUSLY compromised with that exhaust system! The Type 4 is totally exhaust system dependant and I have seen 50% increases as wel asengine faiures come from inadequate TIV exhaust. It is by far the most critical sub system of the engine and can't be skimped on.
Do it once, do it right or you'll be redoing it every weekend.