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Someone pls help me out.


My car is a VS so it's on a '68 VW Bug pan.  The top of the accelerator pedal sits on top of a littleround thingie that sorts rolls when you press the gas pedal. My pedal keeps falling off the roundthing to the left and I have to keep reaching down to take hold of the pedal and move it to the right to get it back on top of the round piece.


Anyone else had this issue and how do I fix it?




2007 Vintage Speedster/ Jake Raby TYPE IV engine

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Jack - does the pedal pivot the base? I wonder if there is a pin or something which has backed out, thus allowing that pivot point to wander a bit?


I'm at the office or I'd go out and check my car to see how that pedal assembly works.



Here we go:



I wonder if that pin at the base of the pedal assembly has backed out and is somehow allowing the pedal to wander?



Last edited by TRP
Originally Posted by Jack Crosby, Hot Sp'gs,AR,VS RabyTypeIV:

Someone pls help me out.


My car is a VS so it's on a '68 VW Bug pan.  The top of the accelerator pedal sits on top of a littleround thingie that sorts rolls when you press the gas pedal. My pedal keeps falling off the roundthing to the left and I have to keep reaching down to take hold of the pedal and move it to the right to get it back on top of the round piece.


Anyone else had this issue and how do I fix it?




First, the rolled sheetmetal of the throttle pedal hinge could be stretched out of shape or the pin could have fallen partway out allowing to much lateral movement. Second, could be the arm the roller is on is bent or the throttle pedal or the ramp part on the back is bent. Everything should be square and pretty much only move forward and backward.

Last edited by justinh



"Back in the day", that was a pretty common failure, more so, it seems, once VW moved from the big roller pedal to the little roller behind the flat gas pedal.  Because of the water (and slush in the winter) dripping off of the driver's foot, the hinge at the bottom of the pedal corrodes.  The lower half of the site is a pot metal casting and usually corrodes to death, rather than rust - the pedal part rusts, instead.


The first step is to try installing a repair kit, as you have ordered.  Usually that'll give you quite a few more years of dependable service.  Usually, once it goes after the first repair, it is usually time for a new pedal cluster because the casting corrodes beyond repair and you're, ahhhhhhhh, cooked.


You could spring for a new, late-model (1970) pedal cluster to truly cure it, but try the repair kit first.  That way, you don't have to crawl under there for all of the hassle of clutch cable/pedal swap.  


Oh!  And make sure the little arm of the small roller doesn't have a lot of sideways play in it - you may need a new one of those arms, too.



Gordon-Alan--good tips--thanks.  Yes, it looks like the metal tabs that curl around to make a circle are opened enough to let the pin move around.  I'll see what the kit does.


More a little hassle than a big deal but I like everything about my car to be right.  Don't let your wants hurt you--right?


Thanks again---appreciate the help.

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