Angela's item #3, syncing the carbs and keeping them in sync, can be a re-occuring problem. Many of us have hex bar linkages, some of which are not very good, and some of which wear quickly and move from poor to worse. There is a thread on on the subject with a couple of good ideas involving using Heim joints for pivot points for the hex bar. While that may well be a solution for some I suggest there are worse problems with some hex bar linkages than just wear in the pivots....specifically, some will not open the carbs the same amount side to side at all points. Some will do just fine at idle and will be off ten's of thousanths of an inch at half throttle or more. So, you can sync the carbs at idle and they are way out of sync at say 3000 or 4000 rpm....because the linkages are not symetrical, a longer piece here, a shorter piece there. Different angles on the connectors etc..... you can check out your linkage for this issue by leaving the engine off, having another party depress the acellerator slightly and slide an appropriate size drill by the butterfly....the same size should slide down the other difference in clearance....advance the throttle more and check with a larger full throttle both butterflys should be standing straight up and can check this with a very small right angle square if you happen to have one, or eyeball it reasonably well.
I have had at least 7 hexbar assemblies on 3 different cars, 2 Speedsters, and one Spyder, made by at least 3 different manfacturers over the last 25 years. All of them have had one problem or another and all of them tended to wear slightly and go out of sync in just a very few thouaand miles, like 2000 or 3000. After rebushing and using 2 sets, one by CB and the other by Empi in the last couple of years, and making a bunch of custom parts to get the advancement rates the same on both sides, I decided to use a bellcrank linkage from CSP instead of the hex bar set ups. While the jury is still out on the bellcrank, I have had it on the car for at least 2500 miles with no need for adjustments yet....staying well sync'ed so far.....just food for thought.....the hexbar works fine when you get everything set up correctly, and you may not get the correct parts from the maker to set it up correctly, but in fairly short order wear sets in and sync goes least that has been my experience. After the pivot points wear holding adjustment is out of the question....after 3000 miles one of hexbars by XYZ had over .070" up and down movement on one end and none (less than .005")on the other. Makes no sense from an engineering standpoint, just offering observations. Must be substantially heavier loading on one end.