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Well, it was a great, Carlisle weekend.  The weather was absolutely AWESOME until early Saturday evening when it turned drizzly and then stayed that way.  Friday's 90 mile tour through the Pennsylvania country side was (I'm told) a truly wonderful ride with lots and lots of twisties, elevation changes and great scenic vistas.  Several of us, including me and Cory, ended up in a gas station along the side of the Susquehana river just north of Harrisburg, replacing a frayed clutch cable.  It should have taken 30 minutes, but with complications it mushroomed into 1-1/2 hours and we bailed on the cruise and headed right to the restaurant and got there about when everyone else showed up.  Copious thanks to Paul, the car's owner (Sorry, Paul, I'm horrible with last names) who bought all of us worker bees a round of drinks at the restaurant for making his car new again (almost).  


We had more repairs this year, it seemed, than all of the prior years combined.  OK, so we wouldn't have had as many if Lane didn't decide to install some sort of jet holders in his carbs and then proceed to snap them off by over-tightening them, but even with that, we had two clutch cables, a throttle cable, a valve cover leak (well, more like a torrent), several electrical glitches - all easily fixed - and Lane's delving into the science of metallurgy and the shear strength of bronze (it ain't much, believe me).  


OH!  And Carl Berry!  The guy joins our Northeast Caravan on Thursday around the mid-point of the route, things are going great (although I heard afterwards that my lead pace of 70-75 mph was a bit brisk.....I'll go slower next year) we have about an 2 hours left to get to the hotel and his car just plain quits, so he gets flat-bedded to the hotel via AAA.  Turned out that the pivot pin for the fuel pump actuator arm just fell out, but DON'T BLAME THE CHINESE FOR THIS ONE!!!!  Turns out it was made in Korea, or something like that.  I got out to the parking lot about 8am on Friday and he already had a team of Speedstah Surgeons working on it and by the time I walked over to where they were it was all repaired and someone fired it up.  These guys are good!  As far as I know, Carl had no other problems for the weekend.  There were probably other issues with other people, but the only other one I head was that John Eastman's wipers quit working.  Turn them on and they jiggle, but don't wipe, like the actuator arm is loose on the shaft.  We didn't even look at it as John had applied a liberal amount of "Rain-X" to the glass and headed home - issue fixed.  He has a mechanic back in Rhode Island who can look at it there.


So it was overcast and misty when some of us left early for the Northeast, and then turned drizzly and then rainy pretty much all the way home, for me.  I drove out of it about 20 minutes from the house (after about 7 hours on the road) and then it caught up to me when I was unloading the truck, so Pearl is still on the trailer for tonight, covered with a tarp, and I'll get her inside and start drying her out tomorrow.  Seems like a yearly ritual for us and Carlisle.


Bruce gave mention at the Saturday dinner to all of the various people who have helped make our Carlisle meet a success over the years and it seemed like he mentioned about half of the people attending the dinner - a tribute to how much everyone has pitched in, doing lots of different things in the background and foreground, to make it a successful weekend over the years.....and it's ALWAYS a success!  Everyone has a GREAT time and it continues to be the absolute BEST family reunion any of us have ever had.  And before Bruce can say it (he's probably just about getting home by now) I want to say Thank You to all of you for being my family over these years and being a source of laughs, support, information and inspiration to each other.  


I sincerely hope you have great weather and a great time at the West Coast meet, and that we all continue to get together at local events during the rest of the season.  Seeing each other is what it's all about!



The tired Speedstah Guy, finally back in Grafton

Last edited by Gordon Nichols
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Yeah, we're already planning the "Gala, Northeast End of the Season Event" at the Vintage Races at Lime Rock over Labor Day weekend.  Now that we have Northeast people spread all over New England (every state in NE) we can all get together there!


Oh, and I stand corrected on those Wipers.  


It was a treat to see you guys at lunch.  I didn't stop for fuel until Manchester, CT.  Usually I can make it home on a tank, but after Rick and Michelle left me I kinda hammered it a bit to get home and it drinks a bit heavier when I do that.  Saw three antique tow trucks going the other way on I84 from a show - the last big truck in line had a Model A tow truck up on the bed in back - what a hoot!  Other than that and the drizzle, the traffic was surprisingly heavy for a Sunday with only one cop sighted on the entire trip - both ways.  On the the way down to Carlisle, the trucker chatter on the CB about the cars was a lot of fun, too.  Like I always say:  "One Speedster driving along is a 'cute little car', while a bunch going together somewhere is an EVENT!"

Last edited by Gordon Nichols



Glenn's battery in the 240Z died in front of an Advance Auto 3/4 of the way home - for a change neither Alan Hais nor I had any issues. That makes 3 for 3. Alan just sent me an e-mail thanking all of us for the excellent weekend. Great time was had by all - thanks again TO THOSE that helped - you know who you are. I went by to see Cary this morning and found that "someone" had already bought his spare clutch cable - will call this week to order two.


Boy am I beat.



We rolled in about 8pm, about 10  hours including a stop for gas and a quick stop at Subway. Traffic and weather pretty much sucked till we got 100 miles from home but that's nothing new. One bourbon on the rocks (or maybe two) and unpack tomorrow.


Thank you to everyone involved in making the event as great as usual. We will see you all again next year and some of you this summer , hopefully.


Like someone here said, "a family reunion, except you like everybody".

You can check me off the list...13.5 straight (arrived home in Cheeseland at 9:45pm), plus a missed exit that put me through downtown Chicago (thank God the traffic was no problem at 8:00pm on a Sunday). The rain stopped for Marty, Sandy and I at Pittsburgh and the traffic was quite pleasant. Hot and sunny in my 911 which ran like a top. I love that car! More after I get some sleep. Thanks everyone.

A lot of early morning fog and a cold drizzle the entire trip home that dampened everything but my spirits !!!


Not a cough, not a stutter, burp or a fairly constant 120Km (need more ballast in the nose to push beyond that speed)


Many thanks to Alan and Ross for the creative jerry-rigged parking lot fix on the fuel pump.


And...I've got a hilarious Venuti & Me on the Road Home Story. But it's such a side splitter that I'm saving it for the big audience at Carlisle next year !!!

We rolled in about 9:30pm.  Went straight through too,  the last couple of hours was a bear as the foot and right hip start to get numb. Envied Rich in his 911 a bit as he was able to drive 80 plus without the wind buffeting you get with the 356's.  The mileage was great in PA when the winds were not blowing across the highways.  I manged 42 mpg at one fill up (Subaru 2.2).  I saw a steady drop in mileage as the winds picked up driving in Ohio and Indiana.  We logged in 1659 miles this weekend.  



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  • Carlisle 2013 Miles
Last edited by Marty Grzynkowicz

Deja Blue made the 420 miles from Carlisle to North Kingstown, RI in fine fettle.  I had a few de-watering spots and stopped for lunch with John Estes and his friend Augie.  Anyone else get that terrible fog on I-81?  Whew!  Now I know how they have those 60 car accidents.  It rained most of the way back.  I average over 33 mpg for the whole trip with my 2.5 liter Subaru.  At one fill-up I actually got 36 mpg.

Hi John,


I would say not at this time. But last year a few of us met out there on Saturday for a day trip so I suspect the plan will be similar again this year.


The local 356 club is planning to be there Saturday stay overnight and particapate in the Sunday in the Park event the following day. Check out the website the clud is open to anyone Gordon and I are both members.


If your interested in joining us we(Danny, Lenny, Al & Heidi G, Carl, and others  can be sure to keep you in the loop

Hey John,


I'm beginning to build up an enthusiasm for Lime Rock that almost rivals my anticipation for Carlisle.


You get Moretti and Estes chomping at the bit, and I'll try to convince Juan Gonzales (speedster widebody) and Bic Green (Spyder) to chase me up Rt.7 to Lime Rock and keep the 911's off my tail!!!...Maybe Michael in his stunning widebody can redezvous with Venuti and Nichols off the Mass Pike.


This could be a very big hoot!...If there's enough of us maybe the 'parking marshal' instead of scattering us in the Porsche Corral will group us together? 

I think Nolan's distance secret is as simple as a clothes-pin.   I'm jus' sayin........


Yup, Labor Day weekend is the weekend of the Vintage Races at Lime Rock.  I've managed to miss them there year after year, but did make the Vintage races at Watkins Glen years ago (along with Hoss) and it is truly a weekend you won't forget.  I've also heard that Suzie-Stew and her "el Capitan" husband, Mark, will be there for the weekend, too, so this might turn into an un-typically big New England event for us, especially now that we're getting some air-play.  Rick and Michelle Milczanowski said that they would be going as well, and even if I had a bike ride going on around that weekend, I would become a "car guy" again to hang with all y'all.


If I remember from other Lime Rock weekends, the food there is pretty good, although it can be expensive, so everyone brings along grills, coolers and lots of food and set up on the infield corners for the weekend.  Lots of campsites and BBQ and drinking and everything that makes road racing, "Road Racing".


There's a lot of other stuff going on around NE during the summer, too.  I'll start a thread of NE-related things to do and see what/who we can drum up.  I'll be riding my bike a lot in the coming months but will always find time to hang out with you folks whenever I can. Besides, it's a lot easier than pedaling 50-100 miles!!

I had a great Carlisle weekend. Stayed up until the wee hours and got up early every day. Made it home through the rain dry in the Spyder, top up and heat on in the mountains. FOG FOG FOG sucked! We saw a Prius sandwich, not pretty, delayed us a half hour. Other than that clear sailing, and 31 mpg. It did take me a couple days to get back to normal sleep patterns and work! But totally worth it!
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