I'm running a stock 1600DP with the TriMil Euro Dual Tip Exhaust and a Pertronix Flamethower SVDA dist, electronic module and Flamethower coii. Looking to upgrade from a 34PICT3 carb for alittle more performance.
Started going in the direction of Kadron 40s until got to the price with proper set up, about $700 to $800 through Kaddieshack or LowBugget. This seemed higher than expected and bumping up close to the price of Weber 40 IDFs.
i know that the IDFs may be overkill for my current engine, but I have a feeling I will be moving on from the 1600 at some point.
i was thinking that the Kadrons would be an intermediate performance carb between the Weber 34ICTs and the Weber 40IDFs, with a price point somewhere inbetween. Now it seems that for a few bucks more the Weber 40 IDFs may be the way to go. Also, as far as set up and tuning, I have fooled with triple throat Webers on a 1970 911T, so am familiar with the time investment needed to get them dialed in and purring.
Any thoughts or input on my delema would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Grant