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I'm running a stock 1600DP with the TriMil Euro Dual Tip Exhaust and a Pertronix Flamethower SVDA dist, electronic module and Flamethower coii.  Looking to upgrade from a 34PICT3 carb for alittle more performance.


Started going in the direction of Kadron 40s until got to the price with proper set up, about $700 to $800  through Kaddieshack or LowBugget.  This seemed higher than expected and bumping up close to the price of Weber 40 IDFs.


i know that the IDFs may be overkill for my current engine, but I have a feeling I will be moving on from the 1600 at some point.


i was thinking that the Kadrons would be an intermediate performance carb between the Weber 34ICTs and the Weber 40IDFs, with a price point somewhere inbetween.  Now it seems that for a few bucks more the Weber 40 IDFs may be the way to go.  Also, as far as set up and tuning, I have fooled with triple throat Webers on a 1970 911T, so am familiar with the time investment needed to get them dialed in and purring.


Any thoughts or input on my delema would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks  Grant

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Kadrons are a great, simple to use dual carb system that are a nice step up on a 1600, get great mileage and can provide a lot of performance for a smaller (< 2 liter) milder motor. You've found their Achilles heel though; by the time they're in your hands with decent linkage, throttle shaft bushings (so they run correctly), bigger venturis and a vacuum take-off added, for not much more you could have some IDF/HPMX's. With an Engle W110 (or any cam with the same or more duration) some people don't like the slightly lopey idle that they have. I'd be willing to bet that kadrons were a part of a lot of people's introduction to VW aircooled performance.


That said, dual Webers or Dellortos are a step up again. The 40mm carbs can be made to run well on a stock cammed 1600 with 28mm venturis, and with bigger vents (34's) can support over 150hp.

Hope this helps. Al

Hello Al:


Yes, I was at Jeff's shop (The Kaddieshack) this past weekend and he shared those dyno results with me.  I just expected from his Website ads that a budget of about $500 to $600 was reasonable for a turn-key kit.  Not so.  Seems that I am crossing over into Weberland.


Honestly, after rebuiding my 34PICt3 my engine purrs like a kitten.  I just know that the engine is alittle undercarburated, and would like to extract whatever I can before taking the plunge and increasing displacement.  The dyno results also had be considering the 1.4 rockers, which means new valve springs as well. 

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