I have done business with the same locksmith for years and I emailed him a photo of a 356 key blank and the Y-11 blank used in our replicas and he positively confirmed you can not make a replica key from the 356 blank. So unless us replica owners pony up for a vintage ignition it's a mailbox key for us.
Thanks for the extra research, Robert! The key is more of an annoyance than a priority. I think I'll stick with the mailbox key, and now have some good new info if I ever need to replace the ignition...
I agree it's not the coolest looking key, the fanciest looking key, or the sexiest looking key but it starts my car. The first thing I thought of when I saw this key was, "Where's the lock-box this goes to?"
Hang it on a key ring with a nice looking key fob to draw everyone's attention away from it.