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Yeah, it's kind-of a constant chirp that comes on about 1/3 throttle and gets a bit louder as you get past 2/3 throttle, then gets less as you either give it more gas or let off - similar to a wierd type of vacuum leak. All that while sitting there idling smoothly and reading a constant 14.7 on my air/fuel mix gauge - go figure.

I've actually gotten used to it such that, if I fixed (eliminated) it, I would probably miss it.........Maybe I need "Shorty" to look at it?
Well, I have Dellorto 40mm's. Maybe you're right.

I'm pretty sure there is no major vacuum leak, since it idles dead stable for many minutes on end and the air/fuel mix sits right on 14.7 at idle (talk about luck!)

I just suspect that there is something in the carb body design itself that whistles (it's kind-of a pulsating whistle and seems to come from both sides) that may have drivin someone nuts enough in the past to trace it down and make a different carb base gasket remedy. I bought a new pair of "regular" base gaskets from CB recently, but have been too busy/lazy to try putting them in.

My noise isn't getting any louder, and I've grown used to it........besides, the exhaust note is much louder than the whistle!
Yeah, but if I do that I lose my "Fear Advantage" over the Japanese Buzzy-Exhaust set 'cause they wouldn't hear the whistle coming up on them REALLY FAST, just before I blast past them, down in Fall River on the "Cruisin Strip".............Definitely cooler with the whistle.

"One of the Speedstah Guys from Rhode Island" low-growl Berg exhaust is also way cooler than their Buzzy Exhaust, "Buzzy-Rap-Rap" note.
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