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Based on my driving habits, I didn't think I would need to replace the tranny at this time...will see if that needs to be addressed in the future....
I do have a build sheet that I could share if interested...No video at this time except what John shot at the shop, but there is a big difference in speed going thru the gears from the 1915, I am trying to be cool about it since it is a new motor, I'm told to run at least 350-500 miles before I take it on the freeway...Hope I can do that before Pismo in June....
Thanks guys...I'm not a motor head, I just like driving my little friend, I thought that since the tub looked like an outlaw, it should at least have some guts to back it up...not the strongest, but enough to give me a chubby...(not always eazy to get at my age)
I think Powerhaus (John Randolph) does a really good job building motors...He documents everything he does, and seems very responsible...He knows all the other builders, doesn't put them down, or try to compete, he just builds motors...
I didn't have much of a water problem when I cut the engine lid to clear my 911 styled fan shroud. That changed when my wife and I visited the west coast of Vancouver Island one summer. We got caught in one hell of a rain storm and a fair amount of water leaked into the engine compartment. The big fan was right under the dripping water and it spun the water all over the engine compartment. I was really worried about water getting into the carbs and hydro-locking the engine.
all nice engines. Thomas that chico motor sounds awesome. I can't wait till mine arrives.

to the OP' I'll toss in CB and Pat Downs as an obvious choice. IM wouldn't use them if they were'nt good.

Also Jake Raby. He's like some demi-god air cooled person...also he's really into Subie's if you ever go that route

Chico gets tons of applause. My CPR 2017 is costing me 6200...but it comes with exaust, clutch and other stuff some turnkey's dont'

I'd also comment on the Porsche shroud on Vins engine...does it really cool properly? Does anyone make a Porsche shroud that works right?... according to Jake NO
With my 911 styled shroud, and a big external cooler/fan my engine oil temperatures usually fluctuated between 180 and 210 degrees F. I didn't have a head temperature gauge, so I was never able to see how hot the heads got and if there was a difference in temperatures between heads.
One interesting fact that Jake brought up (years ago) is that the 911 styled fan needs considerably more hp than a stock fan. If I remember correctly, it was something like 20/25 hp, compared to under 10 for the stock fan.
"And as Jake finds the Subi and Porsche engine product development more profitable, don't expect him to stay with the type 4 stuff much longer."

It hasn't been profitable for years.. To build one of our engines takes north of 100 hours and thats not an exaggeration from start to finish.

I have several divisions here and the aircooled division is my oldest and is comprised of my long time employees that have helped us to grow and develop other engines. The only reason we have maintained the aircooled engine program is to ensure these employees keep their jobs and are paid back for the years they have invested under my roof.

The engines we produce these days are no different from years past, but they are much more difficult to create due to core and component quality.We will always offer an aircooled engine program, no matter if it is profitable or not. I believe in sticking to my roots- even if thats not the most wise business decision.
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