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We'll be at Lime Rock for the "Sunday in the Park" over Labor Day.  Would'of liked to do a couple of days but simply cannot find a vacant place to stay out there that weekend - everything's booked up.  That typed, it's three hours one-way for us to show up, so I won't be bringing Pearl and just want to wander around amongst the hardware and see a bunch of old friends, both racers and non-racers


here's the web page:


So far, I know of the following people who should be out there that weekend:


The Milczanowski's 

Heidi and Al Gallo

Kathy and me *

Carl Berry

Dan Piperato

Len Cuccureddu

Peter Venuti *

suzie and Marc Myette

(*= TYP356NE folks)


and the following people are Maybe's:


Angela and Mike O'Neil

Boston Bob and his Cayman friend


Any other definites or maybes out there?  We could all meet near the car corral for brunch/lunch/whatever and get to say hi!  I haven't been to this weekend for maybe 15 years but I remember it being better than just about anythingnelse on the East Coast except maybe Watkins Glen on their Historic Weekend and that's another two hours for me S Lime Rock looks good.


So who else is going to Paul Newman's and Sam Posey's favorite track??


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That straight-away is now the Sam Posey Straight .  The only part of the track that is named after a person. We plan to be there unless there's a hurricane. Great venue to watch a race or 10.  Dan O'Connell is usually there as well, he lives nearby and has season tickets I think. Sea ya


One of the best things about the place is your ticket gets you into the paddock so you can get run over by some guy even older than you on his way to the staging area. Stay alert

When I was a kid I was out there with some friends who were racing a Mustang in the Can-Am series and ended up next to Sam Posey's pit spot.  Sam came smoking (literally) into the pits with a water pump issue and they were looking for a replacement.  We had one and tossed it over the wall and they swapped it right on the pit lane (no garage time for those guys!) and had him back on the track in well under ten minutes.


After the race, (Sam came in third or fourth, IIRC) he came over and invited us pit guys to his crew dinner.  Real class act.


The good old days.......

What day do you guys plan to be at Limerock Vintage weekend?Last year I went on Saturday and we were able to park in the porsche corral. They let us do a few laps on the track-thats where the picture of my speedster thats on the cover of the calendar was taken. Danny P.was there with his Spyder and I met Carl Berry there with his speedster.There was one other spyder and a few speedsters. The porsche corral was filled with great cars and the general parking had many brands of vintage sports cars-i counted 3 original 356 coupes.

The races were fun to watch-they ran at least ten in fairly quick succession. You could go in the pits and watch them prep the cars and talk to the mechs.

Tickets are a lot less expensive if you purchase on line-just go to Limerocks website.

Please let me know who will be there when-Saturday is best for me.



Joel, we go on Saturday.  I think that's when the best races are. The Town of Lakeville will not let them race on Sunday because of an old agreement when the track was built, and they have to be done with all racing by 6PM, so there's no screwing around. The program tells you when each race is and they are very prompt. Most races are around 12 laps or so and the intermission is only about 45 min. I haven't checked the web site, but I think Sunday and Monday are mostly car shows. You're right about buying in advance, but they go rain or shine and they cut off the advance ticket sales well before the race date. Hope to see you there.

Been going on Saturday since 2005.... Sunday is car show day, my opinion, no thanks. Saturday is Vintage races, watching old cars run around in anger. Yes, multi-million dollar old race cars RUNNING hard! And you get to walk through the pits and be right there with the cars, Alfas, MGs , Loti, Ferrari, Maserati, Jags, Healeys, and of course P-cars. You can touch them , but don't! Last year I had a private moment with Stirling and his Osca and his Spyder. Pretty special! Meet y'all in the Porsche corral(skidpad).

Advance tickets are on sale until 5PM today. I just bought ours so I guess we're going again.  This will be our 3rd year and I wouldn't miss it. The ride on back roads through the Berkshires is worth the trip. Happy motoring , and see you there.


Danny was having a lovely chat with Sir Moss until security broke it sense of humor...

Well, we got the last room at an obscure B&B not too far from the park, but we can't get there until after 3pm on Saturday, staying through Sunday and into Monday.  


We'll spend some time hanging with Peter Venuti and the members of the local 356 club, and hope to see you SOC'ers, too.  Maybe meet later in the afternoon of for dinner or something.  BTW, the expected attendance this year is HUGE so if you expect to eat at a reasonable time at a restaurant off-park, you better start making dinner reservations NOW!


I have cell numbers for most who I know are going, so we'll start calling around once we get close and see who we can scare up.  We won't be bringing Pearl, so that should make things a little easier for us.



We stayed the night there where plenty of showers and a crazy amount of lightning strikes in the area. Spent about three hours at the Sunday in the Park show(all the Cunningham cars that had been out touring the old Cunningham estate on Saturday where there in there various forms of restoration. Then three and a half hours to get home(more rain, holiday traffic etc).  Lenny and Danny sorry we didn't get to spend any time with you after the parade lap. I guess after you became a celebrity dropping the flag and all you must have spent the rest of the afternoon signing autographs.


Great to see everyone that could make it.




Great day at the park! Met up with a few SOC friends and there was so much to see that we went in our own directions. Peter let Heidi and I make the parade laps (poorly) in his beautiful Suby IM which was icing on the cake. Almost got run over in the pits by Sam Posey in his golf cart . (my fault not his) With 20 races in 1 day there's a lot going on and a lot to see. Stayed over in northern Ct, and left top down all the way home , skirting the showers that stayed north of us. We'll be back next year,hopefully with our speedster.

Danny and Lenny!  Now you almost have the feeling of being a spotter on top of the grandstand at Daytona!


Well, we got there late Saturday afternoon and decided NOT to go to the park (it was around 5pm when we arrived) and went, instead, to a local restaurant where we had GREAT food and dropped a Ben Franklin on dinner for the two of us, but we sat with Peter and the Gallos', so it was an evening well worth a C-note.  Saturday night thunder storms were epic....EPIC, I say!  Thought the roof of the B&B was gonna blow right off!  Lasted from around 1am to 3 am and, HOLY GOD!  Was it ever a huge Thunder Storm!!


Sunday we got to the track about 9:30 am, had breakfast at one of the pit-side roach coaches (it was easily as good as Carlisle) and started walking around the track to see the cars (which were lined up in classes all around the track).  Saw a "Herbie" VW bug and wondered if it belonged to SOC'er, Michelle Milczanowski (it did).  Kathy pooped out about half-way, so we hopped a "shuttle Kart", golf-cart-thingie, which had a real hard time making it up the uphill on the far back turn, but eventually got us to the "50 years of Porsche" stretch where a few of the TYP356NE folks were set up.  One hell of a lot of Porsches lined up along there, but not a whole lot of 356's, all things considered.  It was a striking contrast, though, to see the 356's and then look at a 2013 GT.  Like looking at a rocket from the future.


We also toured the featured collection of Cunningham cars.  They only made something like 32 of them and, to be perfectly honest, even when I had the money, I would NEVER have bought one of those ugly things.  I'm sorry, but I have to say it.  Just a really ugly car with a Chrysler V8 in it (just like a lot of Chrysler cars back then, too!)  We didn't see any other SOC'ers for the rest of Sunday, but we left shortly after lunch as it began off-and-on showers (some heavy at times) for the rest of the afternoon, so we went off to Rhinebeck, NY, to a winery and then back to the B&B.


The lady running the B&B formed a new definition of the word "Character".  When we left on Sunday she was out in front of the house along the main road, wearing a full-length, white linen Mou-Mou thing and waving at all of her friends from town driving by.  Apparently, she really does know all of those folks and they all think she's really cool (at least, according to the bartender at the restaurant we went to) so, "What the hell!"  I now think she's cool, too.  After all, she's 15 years older then me, and at that age she can do whatever-the-hell she wants.


A little bit about Lime Rock Park.  It's out in the middle of absolutely no where, BUT, it's the most affluent part of no where you all have ever seen.  Two hours from New York City or Boston and some of the most affluent horse farms I've ever seen (even in Ireland) and plunked in the middle of it all is a 1.5-mile race-car course.  We could ride around that area for DAYS and never get bored - it is absolutely GORGEOUS out there!!


Anyway, maybe some more SOC folks can show up next year and enjoy this terrific show. Now that I've seen the car show, I'll go back for the racing days for the first time since 1968 (when I was there last).



The Speedstah Guy from Grafton

Sorry we missed you and Kathy, Gordon. Maybe I'll do the car show next year also. Love Saturday's races though, really cool to watch them go around. Literally, watched a silver E-type loop it on the esses almost every lap! The esses are a lot sharper from the track then they look from the hill, and that last turn at the bottom of the hill going onto the main straight adds some real pucker factor!


It is really a great setting and unlike most tracks but in a good way. The roads to and from are gorgeous and twisty and fun as hell too.


Saturday night was pretty wild. It started raining within an hour of me getting to my girlfriend's house in Kingston. Horrendous thunder overnight and really hard rain, and the Spyder was outside wearing the tonneau and made it just fine, bone dry inside! The next morning I drove home and it was pretty dark and getting darker. Started raining about 15 minutes after I pulled in the garage! At least I didn't have to drive in it!


It was great to see everybody and it wasn't for long as people kinda went their own way this year. There was a lot going on all day. Never saw the Myettes or Carl Berry or Dan O'Connell though. But we did see Peter V and the Gallos and Joel from NJ.


Special thanks to Lenny who introduced me to his friend Paul that volunteers at LRP. Paul asks us if we wanted to start a race and we said thing you know we are up on the stand ready to go. Very cool! Thanks, Lenny! 

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