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I really doubt it is a Vintage.
door panels and dash are not what I have seen on Vintages.
the door panels on a Vintage are squared off and end before each edge of the door by an inch or two. Also the dash leather on a Vintage does not extend the full length of the front of the car. I have not seen one with door panels like this pic that appears to have cut outs for maps. and it has two knobs on the dash left of the steering wheel
My .02
Hard to tell from the limited views but there are a number of indications that make me believe it be a FiberFab.... i.e they used the 914 gauges (so did CMC early on)
FF was bought out by CMC they utlized their own out sourced "Vintage" style gauges that were a spin off of the Classic Instruments gauges ( CI sued CMC and won big time )
If the bottoms / rearward door edge sticks out 1/8" or more, that is a unique CMC mold screw up that came with every speedster.

Carlisle ~ just 8 short months away! every speedster. ~Alan
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