Thanks for that, Paul. Actually we did about double your estimate in total real mileage driven. We went up to the wine region to buy Blackstone Merlot earlier but they were closed that day. PCH was closed to we went up the Nacimento / Furguston route up by Fort Leggat \hunter the day the US claimed killing Osama Bin Laden.. We did many places including Vegas, the Dam, the big canyon, backtracked into Oatman, Az, etc. We saw the sights when we could. Set the pace up in Durango, Co, Visited a buddy in Toas, NM etc. In 2011 we flew out to Boise, Idaho and drove a $6,500 Speedster across the upper US to home in Ottawa, Canada. Drove that bugger down to Key West many times with AC engine and then Soob power. Bought an IM Roadster in Vancouver and drove it home to Ottawa three years ago. As i explained to that Lad in Coaco Beach, Fl. a while back, I make no apologies for the number of dead bugs on the front on my Speedster.