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I was on a cruise today that took me about 250 miles.  Went from central mass to the coast of nh and cruised Salisbury Beach, Hampton beach and then north of Hampton Beach shoreline. It was a beautiful ride.  I ended up in North Hampton and ran into a wide body cream colored speedster.  I honked and waved and the gentleman driving did the same, but it was a tough spot so neither of us  could stop.  Just wondering if it was an SOC'er?  I have to say today I did some highway driving with the new IM. It was funny the looks I got when I was cruisung in the middle lane at 65 and then when someone came up next to me with a thumbs up and I took her up to 80..... They have no idea what's  under the hood! The car is rock solid at 80 plus mph and has plenty of balls.... today was a blast! Lemme know if one of you is the mystery speedster I saw today..... Thanks 

2013 1959 Intermeccanica(Convertible D)

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