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Troy, not knowing any details it looks to be a momentary switch, meaning it will "complete"
the circuit as long as it's held. There is probably another wire connection out of sight.
You have to find out if it can handle amperage. If used I'd suggest a relay. You'll still
need a key to supply the initial voltage control, pwr to ignition and security.
It shouldn't and doesn't need the dash ground and I'd bet it's not grounded.
It looks nice.
I had a starter button on my 66 Microbus Deluxe which was really nice... especially since the ignition switch broke. I hid a toggle switch out of site to turn the system on, then the momentary for start. I figured it was so easy to break into the car in the first place, that hot-wiring the car wouldn't slow a theif down much either. Same idea with the Speedster. Bummer is the Microbus got stolen...
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