With my current CMC side curtains, built per instructions and with the CMC supplied rubber for the top edge, I have trouble getting the rubber to tuck into the slot on the edge of the top. On the passenger side, I can tuck it in before I get into the car.
With my new side curtains, using the DrClock recommended rubber, I am hoping the situation is improved. The DrClock rubber has a shorter and more flexible fin.
Do other people have trouble with the top of their side curtains?
Could you please post a pic or description of the DrClock rubber ? I think I know what it is....like a small U channel with a curl or Y off one side / bottom of it ?
I made my side curtains out of 3/16" plexi after several trials with sheets of cardboard to get the desired shape to fit in as tightly as possible up into the convertible roof channel while trying to tuck inside of and behind the windshield post and still being able to open and close the door. I don't use any rubber along the top curve and can't see any reason to do so on my application. The slot in the canvas top is nicely done where it receives the side window.
When approaching a toll booth I just remove the side widow altogether ahead of time. When approaching the US Border heading South, I remove the side window while under the weather canopy in full view of the wily and sometimes exuberant "Gendarme" awaiting my plea with baited breath and plenty of questions.
As an aside and a little over there:
Most border crossings into the US from Canada are uneventful and the best rule is to offer no info unless requested and only answer direct questions with direct answers. Show some respect and you'll likely get some back.
I live only 25 minutes North of New York State and frequently have packages sent there for me to pick up when a US vendor is too lazy / ill equipped ( geographically challenged / not able to figure out a six digit postal code ) to ship to Canada.
Travelling alone a little while back, I handed the passport to the US border guard in the late morning on a Tuesday on a quiet day at the border. He looked at me and said " I'm not letting you in" . I said...how come ? and he said " What's your home address" ? I gave it to him and then he then asked what is the purpose of my trip and how long did I want to be in the US ? I said ...to pick up a package....for personal, not professional use and the value is only about $ XXX and I'd likely be only about 20 minutes. He handed me back my Wife's passport and said go ahead and have a nice day.
Recognizing my good fortune having met a very good Sport at the US border, I quickly gaffed my package and got a good stool at the local lounge in Ogdensburg. Where else can a Canuck get a Canadian beer for less $$$ than in Canada, eh ? While on number two, a local Lad heard my story and then thought for a bit and finally said..." What are you going to tell the Canuck side "? I cancelled number three and shoved off. The Canuck side was sympathetic too and all went well.
In a nutshell, a Canuck heading South will encounter a border guard with his / her hand near a gun asking who you are. Returning home a Canuck will encounter a border guard with his / her hand near a cash register asking how much you bought.
Sorry for the drivel...but it all happens thru a window opening on the left side.