I'm glad my car came with EFI, because I can't understand ten percent of what is being said here.
I do know how it works though.
Turn the ignition key, push the start button, and go.
Don't feel left out, Bob.
My understanding of all things electronic is that sensors give inputs and the CPU sends outputs, sometimes to a relay board, sometimes (in this instance) directly. Magic happens inside the box, and like all magic -- it occurs in a smoky environment. There's smoke inside the box which must not escape.
I know I've got to clear my "cache" on my TV or I get booted off Netflix, and that everytime anything updates, thar be dragons thar (printer stops printing, business software won't run, etc.). I know that when "the man" says to ground all my sensors to the sensor ground, which is isolated from the actual ground (lest I set up a dreaded "ground loop") that I better do it, if I know what's good for me.
Electronics work super-reliably if they're wired correctly, but "I pity the foo" who makes one lazy or flaky connection anywhere in the system. At that point, the entire thing just sits there in obstinate silence, like the special woman in your life who thinks you ought to "know-what-you-did-wrong-if-you-really-loved-her". You'd be terribly sad and horribly sorry (of course), but you have no actual idea what you did wrong or you wouldn't have made such a stupid and thoughtless mistake to start with. And so, you retrace every step until you find the infraction that has robbed you of the joy and satisfaction that you know will be yours if you can just get this thing right. When you do stumble into the solution, everything returns to normal and the thing goes about taking care of every detail like it was no big deal.
But it IS a big deal, because it's making thousands of computations and calculations based on a lot of (6, in this instance) different inputs -- kind of like the above referenced woman at a dinner party or when she's dealing with your teenage daughter. And like the love of your life, this amazing and beautiful thing does the exact right thing at the exact right time. You're left wondering how that happened, but you don't know. Some guy somewhere knows -- but you're not that guy, or at least I'm not.
... and so I wire neatly and follow the directions I'm given and try not to let the smoke out of the box.