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Robert---just make a quick call to Kirk at Vintage for an answer---I know he will be happy to help you. Same as any of the other builders and suppliers of parts. The Vintage harness is a very popular one for guys wiring any make of kit so something is amiss.

I've always gotten great service and advice from Kirk and know you will too.

Good luck with your project!---Jack
Thanks for the heads-up on the reverse light. I'm glad I posted that before I pulled the loom through the car and started terminating everything :)

Where do you mount the fuse block on your builds? Compared to the VS harness, my car has a rather elaborate homebrewed fuse/relay panel wiring job under the front bonnet on the firewall right now. The PO couldn't really tell me what he had done and there are pushbuttons everywhere in the car, so it's all getting yanked. I really want to pull the fuse panel in under the dash (away from the fuel) when I rewire it with the VS harness.

Also, have you ever moved the battery out of the front compartment? Regardless of where it winds up, I will use a small sealed Odyessey PC680 battery in my car. I'd really like to install it towards the center/rear of the car, tho. I know the big heavy battery helps balance the weight when placed at the front extremity of the car, but again, I'd like to get as many of the wires away from the fuel tank as possible. I'd also like to keep a full size spare under the bonnet, if I can.
It is a nice idea to put the battery up front, just make sure you go to a welding supply shop for the cables. They can even put nice swaged ends on for you. I don't know the gauge you want to ask for, others do though. Just don't buy regular cables, the voltage/current loss will be too great.

Or mount your battery in the back with short, regular cables.

Ground it well to the frame, bare metal, conductive grease, and star washer underneath the cable. Use multiple grounds from the engine/trans to the frame. I have three.

And on the no start issue: Do you have 12v to the starter(heavy lead)? If so, do you have 12v up front at the fusebox? If yes, do you have it at the ignition switch? At the start terminal(50), switch turned to crank position? How about back at the starter(small connection at solenoid)? That is the order I would follow, process of elimination. Of course, check the battery first, also check for voltage from battery + to bare metal on chassis, this checks the ground cable.
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