While working on my car today I discovered something of concern enough that I am posting about it now. I cannot say if all VS cars were sold this way but mine was.
Up in the Left Front wheel well, up at the Top Rear, there is a 1 inch diameter hole. This is where all the wiring coming from the front of the car enters into the car under the dashboard. Under the dashboard and immediately below this 1 inch hole is the fuse panel. What this means is that when and if, you drive in/on wet road conditions, water will be thrown up from the wheel and into that hole and down onto the fuse panel. Going un-noticed, this will certainly start to corrode the very heart of the electrical system (the fuse panel). There is approximately 6 wires going thru that 1 inch hole so this means that there is a lot of open area for water entry.
I recommend that you check this on your car. The fix is easy. A good wad of silicone sealant will do it. Maybe two applications will be necessary because of the size of that hole. Removing the left front wheel makes it a (piece of cake) to do the job.
I'm out here in SoCal where it's nearly always dry but not all of us with a VS are. You eastern guys may especially vulnerable to this problem. Heres a couple pics but they don't show it very well...........Bruce