Now that I have your attetion.....I recently (yesterday) replaced my steering box, and decided to lube the torsion bar ends, after discovering the zerk fittings...
After purchasing a flex hose for the gun, I lubed the joints, installed the belly pan, and removed the blocks and jack....
While loading the tools into the car, and cleaning up, I noticed a STRONG order of eau de octane....Looking down, and I'm standing in a spreading pool of gas.... The "OH S--T!" light is blazing away....
Rapidly jack up car, slide a concrete mixing tub under it, drop the belly pan.....Broken connector hose at the tank...Dry rot and uncommon movement.
1 hr. to lower the tank level, repair the hose, etc., etc......
If you have 4 or more years on your car, check this out now....
All's well that ends well...
Leon C.
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