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    Today is one of those days that if I could turn the clock back I'd probably go Miata, or Cooper, or riding lawn mower... thus avoiding this replica madness. I have a set of adjustable pushrod tubes setting on a shelf that I thought made a lot of sense until recently told why (which made a lot of sense!) that they're not such a good idea.

    Today I purchased a set of swivel footed adjusting screws that seemed to make a lot of sense. The seller cautioned me to use 'quality' locking nuts with them to avoid possible problems...that certainly makes sense too!


    So I've just finished an internet 'search'...A few pennies short of four dollars for ONE FRIGG'N NUT... WTF?...That simply doesn't make sense. Even infected with 'the madness' it doesn't make sense.


    What am I missing?  

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You're listening to too many people.


I've had swivel-foot adjusters since day one.  Only have one, normal jam nut on them and never, ever, had one go out of adjustment.  Had one swivel get "cocked" once, when I had the rockers off to install adjustable push-rod tubes (more on that in a second) which, when it popped around into the right position after about 5 minutes, immediately got me to 40 thousandths clearance on that valve, but that was MY fault, not the hardware and nothing hurt.  Take your time to install and adjust them properly and I think they're great.


BTW, As you know, when you adjust the valves and then tighten the locknut, you're holding the screw-slot end of the adjuster stem with a screw driver to keep it in place and not turn slightly, pushing you out of adjustment.  It's MUCH harder to hold that stem in place with a screw driver if you're using something like a crimp nut or Nylok stop nut because of the resistance of the nut.  THAT is why VW used a simple jam nut.


On the adjustable push rod tubes, when I pulled the engine to get the transaxle rebuilt, I found that I had 2 weeping stock VW PR tubes on one bank - the other bank was fine. Looked around the Samba and Shop Talk Forums and found that the threaded, adjustable tubes seemed to be at least OK with the technical guys, so I got a set of those from Air-cooled (I think...But it might have been CB) and had to remove the push rods to install them (You remove the rockers and pushrods, then use a pair of water-pump pliers to crimp and twist the old pushrod tube at the same time and then yank it right out - just like a molar at the dentist....without the pain).  When I put everything back, I had a swivel-foot adjuster cocked to the round side, not the flat side.


So that's why I ended up with one valve banging like hell.  Quick drive home and the next morning re-set it to loose zero and it's been fine ever since.


What "special nut" have you been looking for and why - - - and who recommended it?



Last edited by Gordon Nichols

"Listen to too many people"?


Yeah, I tend to listen to, and take the advice of, those with experience and specific knowledge...whereas I have precious little of either.


The person I should have paid more attention to was the guy who wanted to sell me a stock, clean, Miata with roll-up windows...Unfortunately I was already infected with a 'madness virus'

Well then......Ask on here and we'll give you too many answers, too, but eventually the chatter will dwindle down to what makes sense.


Or you can read the Samba or Shop Talk forums (My fav) to get even more answers, and more chatter, that will eventually settle down to what makes sense.


No harm, no foul, Carl - That's how we've ALL learned this stuff.

Last edited by Gordon Nichols
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