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The VS isn't running smoothly so I decided to again attempt cleaning the idle jets. Working by feel alone my frustrating previous attempts failed... Aaah, but this time I'm using a neat, but cheap, little 90degree ratchet head screw driver (just barely clears the inside wheel well)


With carfully calculated geometry and the confidence of mathematical certainty I knelt upon arthritic knees, contorted my hands and arms into a painful pretzel, and blasphemed my way to successfully extract those X!@&%* idle jet holders...''But what to my wonderous eyes should appear'' Lo & behold, Whistle clean jets!!... Damn irritating to suffer for nothing.


It's probably my imagination but the VS seems to run smoother now. I think that maybe it's trying to please me before I take a hammer to it.    

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I'm not familar with 'Empi Knockoffs'...Hell, I'm not even familar with the Weber 44's that I have in spite of spending a pretty penny for the totally incomprehensible Weber Tech Manual by Bob Tomlinson!


The Allen idle jet holders that I installed from JayCee (#7351) states ''Fits all IDF Carbs'' So if Empi is true to form by copying stroke for stroke than these Allen holders should fit their carbs too. But, the 'go-to-person for this information would be Danny Piperato.

You hit on a pet peeve of mine, Carl. The highly touted Tomlinson carburetor "bibles" are worthless even as scrap paper. Written by an illiterate surfer, they contain precious few actual tips or diagrams. What is included is often just plain wrong-- gems such as, "There's only one thing you need to know about air correction jets: 180 is always right".


Always. Turbo 2332, stone stock 1600, mexicrate 1914-- it's all good in the "180-airs" hood. Ridiculous.

The puzzling aftermath of pulling out the idle jets only to discover that they didn't need cleaning is the fact that the car is now running smoother with out burping and popping at idle or hesitating on acceleration... Why? It's curious and I simply don't know for sure.


The only thing I can think of is that I thought I lost the tiny rubber sealing donut off #2 holder. Searched the nooks and crannys where it might have fallen but couldn't find it. Happened to have something very similar as a replacement that worked fine... But now I'm convinced that the rubber donut was never there! They fit very tightly over the threads...almost impossible for them to simply fall off.


That jet holder was firmly screwed in, but what's the possibility of its missing sealing donut having been the cause of ragged idling and hesitant acceleration?...and if so, why?   

Originally Posted by Carl Berry CT.:

The puzzling aftermath of pulling out the idle jets only to discover that they didn't need cleaning is the fact that the car is now running smoother with out burping and popping at idle or hesitating on acceleration... Why? It's curious and I simply don't know for sure.


The only thing I can think of is that I thought I lost the tiny rubber sealing donut off #2 holder. Searched the nooks and crannys where it might have fallen but couldn't find it. Happened to have something very similar as a replacement that worked fine... But now I'm convinced that the rubber donut was never there! They fit very tightly over the threads...almost impossible for them to simply fall off.


That jet holder was firmly screwed in, but what's the possibility of its missing sealing donut having been the cause of ragged idling and hesitant acceleration?...and if so, why?   

The o-ring is there to keep air from being introduced into the passageway from the outside. Without it, the air/fuel mixture is no longer properly metered, is lean and produces the symptoms you described. Al

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