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This was the highlight of my weekend until the big truck pull Sunday. Chuck Beck decided to actively investigate what I knew about the Sloppy Jalopy's construction and numbers. If I didn't know better, I'd have thought I was taking an engineering final.

Thank heavens Parnelli Jones spoke through me and made it seem like I knew what I was talking about. I made sure to give credit where it was due, telling him this entire club made my car possible, and that Sartwell had done the majority of the hard stuff.
I think I left him with the impression that it was the club's car.
He declined to drive it, saying that he didn't like to drive cars that didn't belong to him.

What a super guy. I'm glad Lambros dragged him over to see the car and let me talk to him. Thanks, Bro!

(Photos by Chris Nichols. Thanks again, man.)


Images (3)
  • Carlisle Beck I
  • Carlisle Beck II
  • Carlisle Beck III
There are so many of these that I thought it'd be appropriate to make a new thread for them.
I know I didn't get everyone here ...

Alan, Gordon and Steve, all smiling. (Edited thanks to a quick catch from Mr. "Longest Distance Driven" Anderson, below: I had thought Steve's name was Tom all weekend. Eeek -- sorry, Steve! Good catch, Lane!)


Images (3)
  • Carlisle SEG I
  • Carlisle SEG II
  • Carlisle SEG III
Actually, the SAS dashboards are all molded from an original so the general shape should be authentic. The arrangement of the instruments are all the same, since the cutouts from the "buck" were already there. The control knob positioning may vary from car to car; Steve O's arrangement is very different from mine. Both Steve and I elected to go with plain plastic knobs rather than the standard controls with international symbols.

Instruments of the earlier cars are all from Specialty Instruments but cars being produced now have the more familiar VDO type. I have gotten used to mine and prefer the look, function and easy readability as opposed to the more "correct" units.
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